Living Will Information Available on Web

A living will is a way for an individual to plan for future medical decisions that may occur in your life. It can let others know the kind of medical treatment that you want, or don’t want. It also designates the person who is to make care decisions for you when you are unable to make them for yourself.

The American Bar Association’s Commission on Legal Problems worked with AGING WITH DIGNITY (under a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) to prepare a document that is now legal in 33 states. The document cannot be used as a legal will in Alabama, Alaska, California, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia or Wisconsin.

They have established a web site where you can find several simple living will templates to choose from. The site address is:

Look through the different samples and select the one most appropriate for your needs. Please do not delay in making a choice. It is free and can always be changed as you see fit.

Another non-profit organization called Choice in Dying will provide information about living wills. Their phone number is (800) 989-9455. The web site address is:


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