NY State's TRAID-IN program connects individuals or organizations that are searching for an affordable means to acquire needed medical devices. It enables them to find those who have medical devices that they wish to sell or donate. The participants advertise, at no cost, through a database, that contains both "wanted" and "available" listings.
These devices are defined as any item, product or piece of equipment that can be used by persons with disabilities to maintain or improve their abilities. It can be something as simple as a modified doorknob or as complex as an ambulance. Some of the items available through the service are lifts, wheelchairs, crutches, braces or augmentative communication devices, etc.
Any individual or organization within New York State may participate in the program. Here's how the program works. Call the NYS Office of Advocate for Persons with Disabilities at (800-522-4369) and ask for the TRAID-IN service to list, at no cost, devices being sought or devices that are available. Your name will be listed in the database with information on the equipment that you are donating / selling, or help you find equipment that you need. Once a match has been made, participants must negotiate their own deal and make arrangements for closing the transaction. The Program does not guarantee or assume liability for the condition, durability or maintenance of the equipment. Nevertheless the Program does afford you the ability to conveniently look for used equipment or to sell devices that you no longer can use. To find the site on the web go to