Understanding the Meaning of Abbreviations Used in Prescription Drugs
We have heard of errors made in filling prescriptions because of the difficulty pharmacists have in reading the physician's handwriting, or because certain drugs have similar names. This should alert all of us to check and understand what is written on your doctor's prescription before giving it to the pharmacist. Remember to ask the physician about any questions that you may have about the prescription he is giving you. In order to help our readers decipher their prescription we are presenting a table of common terms found on a prescription and their meaning.
Term | Abbreviation | Meaning |
ante cibum | ac | before meals |
bis in die | bid | twice a day |
gutta | gt | drop |
hora somni | hs | at bedtime |
oculus dexter | od | right eye |
oculus sinister | os | left eye |
per os | po | by mouth |
post cibum | pc | after meals |
pro re nata | prn | as needed |
quaque 3 hora | q3h | every 3 hours |
quaque die | qd | every day |
quater in die | qid | 4 times a day |
ter in die | tid | 3 times a day |
c | with | |
milligrams | mg | |
milliliters | ml | |
Abbreviation Latin English
Abs. feb absente febre when fever is absent
A. c. Ante cibum before meals
Ad grat acid Ad gratam aciditatem to an agreeeable sourness
Ad 2 vic Ad duas vices for two doses
Aggred. feb Aggrediente febre while fever is coming on
Al. dieb Alterius diebus every other day
Alt. hor. Alterius horis every other hour
Alv. deject Alvi dejectiones the intestinal evacuations
Aq. asir Aqua astricta ice
A. S. Auris sinistra left ear
Bib Bibe Drink
Cap. Capiat let him take
Cib Cibus food
C. m. Cras mane tomorrow morning
C. m. s. Cras mane sumendus to be taken tomorrow morning
Col. Cola strain
Collut. Collutorium a mouth wash
Collyr. Collyrium an eye wash
Cyath Cyathus a glassful
De d. in d. De die in diem from day to day
Fract. dos Fracta dosi in divided doses
Guttat. Guttatim by drops
Hd. Hors decubitus at bedtime
In d. In die daily
Lat. dol Lateri dolenti to the painful side
Mor. dict. More dicto in the manner directed
Noct. Nocte at night
P. c. Post cibum after a meal
P. r. n. Pro re nata when required
Q. q. h. Quaque quarta hora every fourth hour
Rx Recipe take
St Stet let it stand
Ut dict Ut dictum as directed
Q. h. Quaque hora every hour
People over 65 years of age use about one-third of all prescription drugs and almost half of the over-the-counter (OTC) drug purchases. They should know all the medications they are taking by name and communicate this information to their physician. If you are not sure ask your physician for written instructions on how to take the medication. The information should include guidelines on when to take medication as well as what to do if a dosage is skipped. Ask if there is anything you should avoid while you are on the medication. Be aware of any potential side or interaction effects with other prescription and OTC medications that you may be taking. An informed consumer is a necessary step in the process of recovery from illness.
Please see: Medical Abbreviations found
in Medical Charts-Part II
Medical Abbreviations- Part III
" How to Select a Nursing
Harold Rubin, MS, ABD, CRC, Guest Lecturer
February 20, 2005
e-mail: hrubin12@nyc.rr or rubin@brainlink.com