During week 43 (October 22-28, 2017),
influenza activity was low in the United States.
The most frequently identified influenza virus type reported by public health
laboratories during week 43 was influenza A.
The percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza in
clinical laboratories is low. Three human infections with novel influenza A viruses were reported.
The proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) was
below the system-specific epidemic threshold in the National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance System.
One influenza-associated
pediatric death was reported that occurred during the 2016-2017 season.
The proportion of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness (ILI) was 1.5%,
which is below the national baseline of 2.2%. All 10 regions reported ILI below
region-specific baseline levels. One state experienced moderate ILI activity,
four states experienced low ILI activity, New York City and 45 states
experienced minimal ILI activity, and the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico
had insufficient data.
The geographic spread of influenza in Guam and four states was reported as
regional; Puerto Rico and 12 states reported local activity; the District of
Columbia and 31 states reported sporadic activity; one state reported no
activity; and the U.S. Virgin Islands and two states did not report.
During week 1 (January 1-7, 2017), influenza
activity increased in the United States.
The most frequently identified influenza virus subtype reported by public
health laboratories during week 1 was influenza A (H3). The percentage of
respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza in clinical laboratories
The proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) was
below the system-specific epidemic threshold in the National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance System
Three influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported.
A cumulative rate for the season of 7.1 laboratory-confirmed
influenza-associated hospitalizations per 100,000 population
was reported
The proportion of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness (ILI) was 3.2%,
which is above the national baseline of 2.2%. All 10 regions reported ILI at or
above their region-specific baseline levels. New York City, Puerto Rico, and
eight states experienced high ILI activity; six states experienced moderate ILI
activity; seven states experienced low ILI activity; 28 states experienced
minimal ILI activity, and the District of Columbia and one state had
insufficient data.
The geographic spread of influenza in Puerto Rico and 21 states was reported as
widespread; Guam and 21 states reported regional activity; the District of
Columbia and eight states reported local activity; and the U.S. Virgin Islands
reported no activity
During week 52 (December 25-31, 2016),
influenza activity increased in the United States.
The most frequently identified influenza virus subtype reported by public
health laboratories during week 52 was influenza A (H3). The percentage of
respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza in clinical laboratories
The proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) was
below the system-specific epidemic threshold in the National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance System.
No influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported.
A cumulative rate for the season of 4.9 laboratory-confirmed
influenza-associated hospitalizations per 100,000 population
was reported.
The proportion of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness (ILI) was 3.4%,
which is above the national baseline of 2.2%. Nine regions reported ILI at or
above their region-specific baseline levels. New York City, Puerto Rico, and 10
states experienced high ILI activity; 10 states experienced moderate ILI
activity; five states experienced low ILI activity; 25 states experienced
minimal ILI activity, and the District of Columbia had insufficient data.
The geographic spread of influenza in 12 states was reported as widespread;
Guam and 28 states reported regional activity; the District of Columbia and 10
states reported local activity; the U.S. Virgin Islands reported sporadic
activity; and Puerto Rico did not report.
During week 51 (December 18-24, 2016),
influenza activity increased in the United States
The most frequently identified influenza virus subtype reported by
public health laboratories during week 51 was influenza A (H3). The percentage
of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza in clinical
laboratories increased.
One human infection with a novel influenza A virus was
The proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) was
below the system-specific epidemic threshold in the National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance System.
No influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported
A cumulative rate for the season of 3.1
laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations per 100,000 population
was reported.
The proportion of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness (ILI) was 2.9%,
which is above the national baseline of 2.2%. Nine regions reported ILI at or
above their region-specific baseline levels. Four states, New York City and Puerto
Rico experienced high ILI activity; five states experienced moderate ILI
activity; seven states experienced low ILI activity; 34 states experienced
minimal ILI activity, and the District of Columbia had insufficient data.
The geographic spread of influenza in Guam and eight states was reported as
widespread, the U.S. Virgin Islands and 17 states reported regional activity,
the District of Columbia and 19 states reported local activity, five states
reported sporadic activity, and Puerto Rico and one state did not report.
During week 50 (December 11-17, 2016),
influenza activity increased slightly in the United States.
(12/20/16)- During
week 49 (December 4-10, 2016), influenza activity increased slightly in the
United States.
During week 48 (November 27 - December 3,
2016), influenza activity increased slightly, but remained low in the United
During week 46 (November 13-19, 2016),
influenza activity increased slightly, but remained low in the United States.
(11/22/16)- During
week 45 (November 6-12, 2016), influenza activity remained low in the United
During week 44 (October 30-November 5, 2016),
influenza activity was low in the United States.
During week 43 (October 23-29, 2016),
influenza activity was low in the United States.
(10/31/16)- During
week 42 (October 16-22, 2016), influenza activity was low in the United States.
During week 41 (October 9-15, 2016), influenza
activity was low in the United States.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), a committee of experts
that advises the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has
recommended that the nasal vaccine FluMist did not
work, and that children and others should get the flu shot.
The American Academy of Pediatrics endorsed the
ACIP recommendation. As a practical matter, most doctors will go along with
this advice.
FluMist had been
approved for use in people 2 to 49 years of age. It was first licensed in 2003
and it accounts for about one third of the children who have gone this route. FluMist is manufactured by AstraZeneca
(5/22/16)-New York State health officials
announced that the flu virus is no longer prevalent in the state.
Because of this announcement the state
regulation requiring all health workers who aren’t vaccinated
against the flu no longer will have to wear masks when working around
(5/2/16)- During
week 16 (April 17-23, 2016), influenza activity decreased in the United States.
(4/27/16)- During week 15 (April 10-16, 2016), influenza
activity decreased in the United States.
(4/11/16)- During
week 13 (March 27-Aprl 2, 2016), influenza activity decreased slightly, but
remained elevated in the United States
(4/4/16)- During week 12 (March 20-26, 2016), influenza
activity decreased slightly, but remained elevated in the United States.
During week 11 (March 13-19, 2016),
influenza activity decreased slightly, but remained elevated in the United
(3/24/16)- During week 10 (March
6-12, 2016), influenza activity increased in the United States.
(3/17/16)- During week 9 (February
28-March 5, 2016), influenza activity remained elevated in the United States
(3/7/16)- During week 8 (February 21-27,
2016), influenza activity remained elevated in the United States.
(3/2/16)- During week 7 (February 14-20,
2016), influenza activity increased in the United States.
(2/22/16)- During week 6 (February 7-13, 2016), influenza activity increased
in the United States.
(2/18/16)- During week 5 (January
31-February 6, 2016), influenza activity increased slightly in the United
(2/11/16)- During week 4 (January
24-30, 2016), influenza activity increased slightly in the United States.
(2/5/16)- During week 3 (January 17-23,
2016), influenza activity increased slightly in the United States.
(1/28/16)- During week 2 (January 10-16,
2016), influenza activity increased slightly in the United States
(1/22/16)- During
week 1 (January 3-9, 2016), laboratory data indicated that influenza activity
increased slightly in the United States.
(1/8/16)- During week 51 (December
20-26, 2015), influenza activity increased slightly in the United States
(1/3/16)- During week 50 (December
13-19, 2015), influenza activity increased slightly in the United States.
(12/30/15)- The number of deaths attributed to
the swine flu epidemic in Iran, that we wrote about in our item dated 12/13/15
has now grown to 112, according to Agence France-Pressee, quoting Iranian news
media sources.
Mohammad Mehdi Gouya,
head of the Health Ministry’s communicable diseases department was quoted as
saying nearly 1,200 people had been hospitalized with the sickness caused by
the H1N1 virus. The H1N1 strain spreads via human-to-human contact and
escalated into a global pandemic in 2009, before it was controlled in 2010.
(12/22/15)- During
week 49 (December 6-12, 2015), influenza activity increased slightly in the
United States but remained low overall.
During week 48 (November 29 – December
5, 2015), influenza activity increased slightly in the United States but
remained low overall.
(12/13/15)- At least 33 people have died in the
past 4 weeks in two provinces of southwestern Iran from a swine flu virus as
announced by the country’s deputy health minister, Ali-Akbar Sayyari. Mr. Sayyari also said
the virus, known as H1N1, was likely to spread to other areas.
Swine flu is named for a virus that infects
pigs, but the H1N1 strain, which first emerged in 2009, spreads by
human-to-human contact, and is now considered a human seasonal virus, according
to the Department of Health and Human Services.
(12/7/15)- During
week 47 (November 22-28, 2015), influenza activity increased slightly in the
United States but remained low overall.
(11/30/15)- The Food and Drug Administration
(FDA)- has voted to accelerate approval of Novartis’
first-of-its kind flu vaccine that contains a booster to help seniors who are
especially susceptible to the flu virus. Fluad is the
first approved vaccine that contains an adjuvant, a substance that strengthens
the body’s own immunological response to the virus.
Fluad contains a
mixture that includes squalene, a substance found in humans, animals and
The vaccine was first approved in Italy in 1997,
and is available in 38 countries.
(2/5/15)- The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) estimated that the flu vaccine being used for this flu season is
only 23% effective, which is the lowest rate of effectiveness since the 2005-06
flu season. More than two-thirds of circulating H3N2
viruses now differ from the strains used in the
The three strains
for the current vaccine were selected in February 2014, because of the length
of time needed to produce the vaccine. There are now 7 firms producing the
vaccine for the U.S. market, and approximately 150 million doses of the vaccine
were produced this year.
The decades old
egg-based technique for producing the vaccine takes an estimated 22 to 24 weeks
to produce.
Three new vaccines
made with faster technologies have been licensed for the U.S. since 2012,
according to Robin Robinson, a spokesman for the department of Health And Human
Services (HHS).
This year’s influenza season started earlier than usual and is sending more
people to the hospital, largely due to the fact that the strain used in this
year’s vaccine is caused mainly by the H3N2 virus, which is not the one the
experts had used when they formulated the vaccine. The vaccine formula is
determined before the flu season begins since the manufacturers need time to
produce the vaccine.
About 40% of
Americans have been vaccinated, with 140 million vaccine doses having been
distributed. According to Dr. Michael JHUNG, A MEDICAL
Officials from the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cautioned
that this year’s flu vaccine may not fully protect against this year’s virus
strain, which has mutated or “drifted” from the form the shot targets. These
same officials cautioned that the public should still get the vaccination,
since it would lessen the side effects for those who come down with the
is too late to change the vaccine from this year’s influenza A H3N2 strain,
since it would take too long to produce a vaccine capable with dealing with
this strain. Officials also stated that this year’s strain tends to create more
serious illness symptoms. The H3N2 subtype of virus is the predominant strain
this year
People age 65 and older should get two separate vaccinations to protect against
pneumonia and other infections starting this fall, according to an advisory
panel to the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
second vaccine, called Prevnar 13 replaces the older shot, called Pneumovax 23,
and it protects against infections from the bacterium Streptococcus pneumonia..
Prevnar 13 has been used by itself to vaccinate children since 2010.
CDC is expected to adopt the panel’s recommendation in the coming weeks. The
agency also said it would revisit this decision in 2018, and might remove the
Prevnar 13 recommendation if the number of people getting sick declines
13 costs about $135 a dose versus $68 for Pneumovax 23. Medicare might not
cover the 2nd vaccine until 2016. Those who have already received
the Pneumovax 23 shot should wait about a year before getting the Prevnar 13
shot according to the panel recommendation.
65 and older who have not gotten any pneumococcal vaccination are now
recommended to receive the Prevnar 13 shot first, followed by the Pneumovax 23
shot at least 6 to 12 months later.
Governments have spent billions of dollars stockpiling Roche Holdings Ltd
anti-viral drug Tamiflu, but a new study questions the drug’s effectiveness in
preventing pandemics and seasonal flu outbreaks. The result of the study that
was conducted by a global network of health-care academics called the Cochrane
Collection was published in a recent edition of the British Medical Journal.
study did not question Tamiflu’s effectiveness once an individual gets the flu,
but does question its ability in preventing the disease from spreading. It
involved reviewing 107 existing clinical reports on trials of the drug, and
also GlaxoSmithKline PLC’s flu drug Relenza.
eliminating studies that the authors considered to be poorly designed or at
high risk of being biased, they analyzed results from 46 of the 107 trials. The
review determined that Tamiflu and Relenza alleviated flulike symptoms in
adults by half a day faster than those taking the placebo. Using either of the
drugs as a preventive medication also proved to be effective.
was no evidence that Tamiflu stopped people with the flu from spreading it; no
evidence that it reduced hospitalization or that it reduced complications such
as pneumonia, inflammation of the sinuses or middle-ear infections in adults.
According to an article by the
Centers for Disease Control and prevention, published in the December 13 issue
of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, only 44.7% of Americans received
the seasonal influenza vaccine during 2012-2013. The agency calculated that if
the coverage rate had hit the 70% target set by the Healthy People 2020
initiative, an additional 4.4 million influenza illnesses and 30,000
hospitalizations might have been avoided.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that for the
2011-2012 flu season, about 42% of people got a flu vaccine, including just
over half of children 6 months to 17 years old.
coming flu season will be the first year that flu vaccines will protect those who
are getting the vaccine from 4 kinds of viruses-two varieties of Type A viruses
and two varieties of Type B viruses. Supplies of the quadrivalent vaccine in
the injectable form are expected to be in short supply, since it was just
recemty approved by the FDA this year.
vaccinations are expected to contain the four strains for the first time, but it
is recommended only for healthy people ages 2 to 49. Spray vaccines are not
recommended for pregnant women.
vaccine called FluBlok has been developed without using eggs, but it is
recommended only for people in the 18 to 40 year range.
Pasteur, located in Swiftwater,Pa., will be marketing Fluzone Intradermal, a
vaccine that is injected with a micro-needle into the skin, rather than a
normal injection into the muscle will be available for those in the 18 to 64
age category.
A federal advisory panel agreed to add an additional strain of influenza
protection to some of next year's vaccine. Up to now, the flu vaccine has
contained 3 strains, but the panel agreed to add a fourth strain to next flu
year's vaccine.
of the vaccine manufacturers, GlaxoSmithKline PLC and AstraZeneca plan to offer
quadrivalent vaccines for the 2013-2014-flu season. Medimmune, which makes a
vaccine in the form of a mist administered through the nose, will completely
switch to a four-strain vaccine, while Glaxo said it would offer both types of
SA said it had applied to the FDA for approval of its four-strain vaccine, but
that it could not make the vaccine till it received the approval.
takes about eight months for flu vaccines to be made and tested, so the strains
for the upcoming flu season vaccine are usually determined in February.
For seniors, 65 and older, the flu vaccine was only 9% effective, according to
a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
report also concluded that the shot was only 56% effective across all age
groups. This flu season’s predominant strain was the H3N2 strain, Overall, the
flu shots had an effectiveness rate of 27%.
were unable to explain exactly why the flu vaccine was less effective for
seniors than it was against all other groups. The CDC study tracked about 2,700
individuals who developed flu likeness illnesses in December and January. The
data for those over 65 included only about 300 people. For the 2010-2011 flu
season, the flu shot was found to be about 36% effective.
Death rates from the flu and pneumonia are soaring well above the previous few years,
confirming the fact that this is a fairly severe flu season. The latest figures
released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that the
number of new infections continues to fall, indicating that the peak is behind
elderly are being hit hard by this flu epidemic, since the death rate for this
group in hospitals or other medical facilities is running exceptionally high.
The CDC has promulgated new guidelines for doctors who care for older patients,
suggesting giving high-dose flu shots to the elderly and starting antiflu drugs
as soon as an infection is suspected.
Vaccine manufacturers now estimate that they will produce about 145 million
dosages of the flu vaccine, which is 10 million more than earlier projections.
The Food and Drug Administration has allowed the maker of Tamiflu to release
two million doses it had in storage. The older Tamiflu is "not outdated,
it just had older labeling" according to Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, the
director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
flu season is particularly tough on the elderly. Based on past experience,
about 90% of the deaths from flu will occur among the older population..
About 37% of the population has received the flu shot as of the end of December
week 2 (January 6-12), influenza activity remained elevated in the United
States, but decreased in some areas.
(1/17/13) So far 20 children have died from confirmed flu tests for the disease.
In addition to the flu, the nation is also suffering from the widespread
outbreak of two similar diseases with overlapping symptoms, norovirus and
whopping cough.
we all know too well, it is also the season for an extra large dose of the
common cold. Flu shots have no protective effect on these other illnesses.
pharmaceutical industry has shipped about 130 million doses of the vaccine this
flu season, which is actually a greater amount than usual, but spot shortages
of the vaccine continue to crop up. If you want to see first hand how many
people are being effected by the outbreak, go into any drug store and see the
lines at the prescription department.
we also know, the emergency rooms of the local hospitals are being overwhelmed
with patients ill with the flu. Relenza (Glaxo-SmithKline) and Tamiflu (Roche)
are the two medications that most medical professionals recommend to help
lessen the misery of the flu.
shots and nasal sprays contain vaccines against three strains, the H3N2,theH1N1
and a B. This season victim's flu have seen few of the H1N1 variety, while the
H3N2 component has been a good match against almost all the confirmed cases of
H3N2 samples that the CDC tested. About 29% of all flu this year has been from
the B strains. There are 2 type B strains circulating this year and the vaccine
has been good against only about 70% of the confirmed cases.
height of the flu season is coming earlier than it did the last few years and
it appears to be more serious than in previous times according to the latest
figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This year's
predominant flu strain, known as H3N2, tends to prompt particularly severe flu.
year's flu vaccine represents about a 90% match with the dominant seasonal flu
strain, meaning it should offer a high level of protection.
The Centers for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of
Minnesota released a report saying that the influenza vaccination provides only
a modest protection for healthy young and middle-aged adults. The report also
stated that it provides little if any protection for those 65 and older, who
are the most likely to succumb to the disease.
report also went on to say that the federal vaccination recommendations are
based on inadequate evidence and poorly executed studies.
have over promoted and over hyped this vaccine," said Michael T.
Osterholm, director of the Center. "It does not protect as promoted. It's
all a sales job: it's all public relations."
went on to say: "I say, 'Use this vaccine,' "The safety profile is
actually quite good. But we have oversold it. Use it-but just know it's not
going to work nearly as well as everyone says."
officials acknowledge that the vaccine does not work as well in the elderly
population as it does in younger people, but it does work.
The winter flu season finally has begun, making it the latest start to the
season in 24 years. Experts postulated that the mild and late start to the
season was due to the warm weather that most of us had this winter. In cold
weather people are huddling in closer quarters than they are during the mild
winter, when people can spend more time outdoors.
have only been 3 confirmed flu deaths among children this season, compared with
122 last season. Only two states - California and Colorado have reported
widespread flu activity so far this year.
CDC declares a flu season officially started after three straight weeks in which
more than 10 percent of all respiratory specimens reported to it contain an
influenza virus.
The Food and Drug Administration has granted Pfizer Inc. approval to market its
pneumococcal vaccine Prevnar 13 for use in adults 50 and older. The drug had
previously been approved to prevent illnesses like ear infections, sepsis, and
meningitis in children.
until now, the most commonly used pneumococcal vaccine for adults 65 and older
is Merck & Co.'s Pneumovax. Data from Pfizer indicates that there were
440,000 cases of pneumococcal pneumonia among adults 50 and older in the U.S.
is already a blockbuster drug for Pfizer, having attained sales of $3.7 billion
in 2010.
The flu vaccination season is just around the corner, and manufacturers are
expecting to produce 169 million doses of the vaccine this year, compared to
157 million doses last year.
41% of adult Americans and nearly half of children ages 6 months to 17 years
got flu shots last year. Children who are receiving the shot for the first time
should be given two shots instead of one.
vaccine can not be stored from one year to the next, so at the end of the flu
season last year price-cutting was fairly common.
3 strains of this year of this year's flu vaccine are the same as those that
comprised last year's flu vaccine.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that anyone over 6
months old get a flu shot, with the typical cost at retailers being between
$24.99 to $29.99
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has received approval for
a diagnostic kit that can help speed up a determination as to exactly which flu
virus is infecting a patient.
test kit consists of several modules that can help labs rapidly identify the
specific strain of a flu virus- H1N1, H3N2, 2009 H1N1 or the highly pathogenic
H5N1 avian flu. The test can determine the subtype of the virus much more
rapidly than any of the prior testing equipment could do it.
According to FluView, the official federal site of the Centers for Disease
Control, Week 50 of the flu season, which covers the week ending December 18th,
the flu season continues to be a mild one. Flu activity increased
year-over-year for the third time this flu season, and also increased versus
last week.
(12/27/10)- Because of the fact that the flu
season has been very mild so far this year, drugstores, supermarkets and some
doctor's offices are cutting prices for flu vaccinations this winter.
produced and distributed 163 million doses of the vaccine this year compared
with the 110 million doses last year. Please keep in mind that in most of the
previous years prior to last year, millions of doses of the vaccine had to be
thrown away. The reason for this is the fact that the vaccine cannot be stored
from one year to the next because of the composition of the vaccine changing
from year to year.
are now entering the height of the flu season, but unless things change drastically
in the next few weeks, lower prices are ahead for flu vaccine injections.
(10/14/10)- The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) said that flu activity in the Southern Hemisphere, where
the flu season is ending, has been " typical". All three types of flu
that normally circulate are present, although the H1N1 "swine flu"
strain has replaced the seasonal H1N1 that circulated before 2009.
agency urged shots for everyone over 6 months, and particularly for pregnant
women, young children, health care workers, and people with conditions like
asthma, diabetes and heart problems.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revised its estimate
of how many people die in a typical flu season to 24,000 from 36,000.
previous estimate was based on a study of the years 1990 to 1999, while the new
estimate from the agency is based on a re-evaluation of the years 1975 to 2007.
Deaths attributed to flu fluctuated from a low of 3,349 in the winter of 1986-7
to a high of 48,614 in 2003-04.
estimate is affected by the 2009 swine flu pandemic, which was caused by a new
variant of the H1N1 strain. The CDC estimated that about 12,000 people died of
that strain, with about 90% of the deaths occurring in people younger than 65,
whereas more elderly people die from the flu in a "normal" flu season
than do younger people.
The World Health Organization declared that the H1N1 swine flu pandemic was
over. It was 14 months ago that the organization first declared the disease to
be a pandemic.
virus continues to circulate in some parts of the world, but at lower levels
than last year. Only 311 deaths form the H1N1 virus have been confirmed by labs
over the past two months
Director-General Margaret Chan said that the disease has "largely run it
This is the time of the year when health-officials conclude which of the three
types of viruses to include in the coming fall's flu vaccine shot. The
determination is based on which strains of the disease have been circulating in
the Southern Hemisphere.
last year, when a sudden outbreak of the swine flu pandemic took place, only
one shot will be needed instead of the two that was given to combat last year's
outbreak. Eight vaccines made by six companies have been approved including a
new, high-dose version, meant for people 65 and older, even though the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has no proof that the high-dose
version formula will work any better than the standard one.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that everyone over the age of 6
months receive the shot. Children who are receiving the shot for the first time
should be given two shots instead of one.
usually focus on three viruses: two from Type A group and one from Type B
group. Type A viruses are the ones with the potential to mutate suddenly and
thus people have little or no resistance to, as occurred with the A(H1N1) swine
flu virus last year.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new and improved diagnostic
test for the 2009 swine flu. The new kit, developed by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), has been shown to be 96% accurate on samples
taken from nasal swabs, which can be done in doctor's offices.
takes about 4 hours, and it replaces one that was approved for usage in
hospitals in April 2009, on an emergency basis
According to Andrin Oswald, a spokesman for Novartis AG's vaccine division,
about half of the 15 governments that ordered H1N1 swine-flu vaccine ended up
canceling part of their orders, and some are still negotiating with the company
in connection with the purchase price that they paid for the vaccine.
the height of the panic in October, the governments of multiple countries were
inundating the company with calls requesting immediate delivery of the vaccine.
When it became apparent that the epidemic was not as virulent as was originally
feared it would be, many of these same countries called to cancel the orders.
canceled part of its original order from Novartis, and said it would pay the
company only 16% of the agreed upon price for the vaccine. The United States
purchased the equivalent of 229 million doses from 5 different manufacturers,
and so far it is estimated that only about 91 doses of the vaccine were
administered to patients in this country.
Now that we are well into March, it does not look like the normal third wave of
the flu season is going to hit this year. Seasonal flu activity has been unusually
low this winter, suggesting that the H1N1 swine flu strain '"crowded
out" the usual seasonal H1N1 and H2N2 strains.
has been very little reported numbesr of the influenza B strain seen in the U.S
this year.
CDC estimated that between 42 million to 86 million people were infected with
the swine flu since its emergence in April 2009. Please keep in mind that even
if we use the 86 million number, it will mean that more than half of the
vaccine that has been produced and paid for by the government will have to be
thrown away at the end of the flu season.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) latest estimate is that
about 11,700 Americans have died from the swine flu since its emergence in
April until mid-January.
also estimated that about 257,000 people have been hospitalized, at a countless
cost to the medical system. It went on to further estimate that about 70
million Americans were vaccinated, leaving over 100 million doses of the
vaccine as having not been used.
of the hospitalizations and deaths have been among those aged 18 to 64.
enough, the outbreak of seasonal flu has been relatively mild this flu season.
According to the latest count from the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) about 11,000 Americans have died of swine flu in this recent
the second wave peaked in late October, the number is unlikely to rise much
unless there is a third wave later this winter.
World Health Organization estimated that as of January 3 there were 12,799
deaths worldwide. WHO counts only lab-confirmed swine flu cases in its
estimate, which is different than the estimate from the CDC. Thus the number of
deaths worldwide is likely to be much higher than the number given by WHO.
Cases of H1N1 flu confirmed by laboratory testing have been reported in more
than 208 countries and overseas territories, according to the latest report
from the World Health Organization, and at least 12,200 people have died from
the disease.
reports of the flu virus in Week 50 (week ending December 19th) were
6.9%, up +340 bps from 3.5% during the same week last year, and flat versus
Week 49.
states reported widespread flu activity during the week, 18 states reported
regional flu activity, 13 states reported local flu activity, 11 states
reported sporadic flu activity, and one state reported no flu activity.
Federal officials now estimate that there are about 100 million doses of swine
flu vaccine available. Most cities are releasing the vaccine to medical
professionals, while telling them to vaccinate anyone who wants to get the
Thomas R. Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
said that the second wave of the flu was ebbing, and that there was "no
way to know if there will be a third."
a third wave hits, it is expected to rear its ugly head in January.
Federal health officials claimed that almost 10,000 people had died of swine
flu since April, and that 213,000 people had been sick enough to be
hospitalized because of it.
we are coming through a quiet period now in connection with the epidemic,
health officials anticipate that the third wave of the pandemic will take place
in January, as happened in the 1917 and 1957 pandemics.
Thomas R. Frieden, director of the CDC, said about 85 million doses of swine
flu vaccine were now available, with some states now reporting an oversupply of
the vaccine, so that everyone, not only high-risk individuals are eligible to
receive the shot.
The latest report on flu activity indicated that only 32 states, mostly in the
Northeast and the West, had "widespread" flu activity, down from the
peak of 48 in late October.
visits for flu declined for the fourth week in a row. Hospitalizations dropped
for the third straight week, and for the first time, there appeared to be a
clear drop in weekly deaths. Campus flu activity continues to decline also.
experts at the CDC have tentatively predicted that a new but smaller January
wave could emerge.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced last Thursday
that an estimated 22 million Americans have been sickened with swine flu since
April and that about 3,900 had died from it. Most cases have been mild with
only 98,000 having been hospitalized by it.
season in the U.S. usually lasts through May. About 43 million doses of the
vaccine have been made available to the states since October.
a typical regular flu season, there are about 200,000 hospitalizations, and
36,000 deaths. The elderly are the most prone age group for fatalities from the
regular flu.
elderly have however only accounted for 440 deaths, out of two million
illnesses, and about 9,000 hospitalizations from the swine flu.
of the deaths, about 2,900, have been among people between the ages of 19 and 64
years of age. According to the CDC figures, there have been 12 million cases of
swine flu in this age group, and 53,000 hospitalizations
latest CDC figures show that 540 have occurred in children younger than 18,
while about 8 million of them have come down with the disease, and 36,000 have
been hospitalized as a result of the swine flu.
total of 250 million doses of swine flu vaccine have been ordered by the U. S.
government and this includes doses that will be shipped to third world
countries too poor to pay for the vaccine themselves.
According to David Daigle, a spokesman for the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) there have been 85 million Americans who have received the
seasonal flu shot so far this year, compared to the 61 million who had received
their shot last year.
year 113 million doses of the seasonal flu vaccine were produced, and about 103
million Americans took the shot, which was a record in both categories. About
10 million doses of the vaccine had to be thrown away, since the vaccine can
not be saved and carried over to the next year.
90 million doses of the seasonal flu shot have been shipped out, with total
production expected to come to about 114 million doses.
New York, children and teenagers have gotten 258,000 doses, twice the number
given at this same time as last year. New York City's public health clinics
have already vaccinated more people this year than they did all of last year.
FDA has approved the vaccines made by Sanofi-Pasteur, a unit of Sanofi-Aventis
SA, Novartis AG, CSL Ltd and AstraZeneca PLC's Medimune unit (nasal spray).
GlaxoSmithKline, PLC is still awaiting approval for its "swine flu"
vaccine batches. Sanofi is the only one of these companies that has a plant in
the U.S. that manufactures the vaccine.
U.S. government has paid for all the expected 200 million doses of swine flu
vaccines, about 89% of each year's seasonal vaccines made for the private
of shortages of the seasonal flu vaccine cropping up all over the country, many
health facilities have had to delay administering the shots to the public.
Barack Obama has declared the swine flu a national emergency. In doing so, the
administration can waive or modify certain federal requirements involving
Medicare, Medicaid and health-privacy rules to speed treatment.
were 1.8 million to 5.7 million cases of swine flu in the country during the
swine flu's early spring wave in this country, which resulted in 9,000 to
21,000 people being hospitalized, and up to 800 died as a result from April to July,
when it largely faded out, according to estimates from the CDC and the Harvard
School of Public Health and published online in the journal Emerging Infectious
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that it now
expects that only 28 million to 30 million doses of the H1N1 swine flu vaccine
will be delivered by the end of October, instead of the 40 million doses that
it had expected to be available by the end of the month.
delay in the delivery has been caused by the fact that the vaccine is taking
longer to produce than had been originally projected. This delay in delivery is
of course making it much more difficult for health-care providers to schedule
appointments for these shots.
the 11.4 million doses of the swine flu available as of the middle of the
month, state health officials had placed orders for 8 million dosages
of the concerns of opponents of the swine flu vaccine is that it contains
thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative that in turn leads to autism. All
H1N1 nasal spray vaccines are free of thimerosal. The federal government has
ordered a total of 251 million doses of the swine flu vaccine, from 5 different
vaccine manufacturers.
million doses have been ordered from Sanofi-Aventis SA, but it has not yet told
the company how many doses it wants of the vaccine to be multi-dose, which must
contain a preservative. A spokesman for the company said that all the pediatric
doses that the company is making are packaged in syringes and are
PLC has received orders for about 40 million doses of its nasal spray vaccine,
which is licensed for people from 2 years of age to 49 years of age, and those
dosages are all thimerosal free.
adjuvants will be used in many H1N1 shots given throughout the world, they will
not be used in dosage administered in the U.S.
A CBS news poll indicated that only 46% of the U.S. population was willing to
take the flu shot. On the other hand about 60% indicated that they were going
to have their children get the shot.
82 million of the expected 114 million doses of the seasonal flu vaccine has
been distributed so far.
children have died from swine flu since August 30th. Nineteen of the
43 were teenagers, 16 were ages 5 to 11 years, and the rest were under the age
of 5
caused by the H1N1 virus is now widespread in 46 states, and flu like symptoms
account for 6.1% of all doctor visits.
According to the latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) 76 children have died from the H1N1 swine flu since the virus
was discovered in April.
is a higher rate than pediatric deaths caused by the seasonal flu.
Schuchat, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory
Diseases at the CDC, said that by comparison, 46 to 88 children died each year
during the past three influenza seasons.
most of the children had underlying medical conditions, Ms Schuchat said 20% to
30% did not.
Only about 21% of children ages 5 to 17 received the regular flu shots last
year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, compared
with 41% of infants, 32% of adults at risk of complications and67% of the
data came from a telephone survey of 414,000 households.
year was the first in which federal officials had recommended that everyone
ages 5 to 17 receive the flu shots, and that recommendation was made only after
doctors had ordered their fall shipments, so the vaccine ran short.
year however, data compiled by the CDC indicated that as many people had
received their shot by the end of September as would have received it by the 3rd
week of October in a normal year.
the nasal spray vaccine has been the first of the vaccination dosages received
by most health professionals who are administering the shots. Studies have
shown that Tamiflu is not as effective as the injectible versions of the shot.
National Institute of Health has awarded $60 million in grants to discover new
adjuvants, immune boosters that can be added to vaccines to make then more
only adjuvant approved for use in the United States is alum, an aluminum salt.
Adjuvant usage however has resulted in more negative side effects such as sore
arms and higher fevers.
Consumer Reports released poll showing that half of all parents surveyed said
they were worried about the flu, but only 35% would definitely have their
children vaccinated. About half were undecided, and of those, many said they
feared that the vaccine was new and untested.
percent of the parents who were undecided or opposed to shots said they
"wanted their children to build up their natural immunity."
Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention said that the first doses of the swine flu vaccine should reach
doctors by October 6th. Initially, about 6 million doses will be
available by that date, and by mid-October there should be about 40 million
doses available.
all of the first doses that will be available will be the FluMist nasal spray
version, which has some limits on who may use it. FluMist is not recommended
for infants under 2, adults over 49, pregnant women or anyone with underlying
health problems.
swine flu vaccine has been paid for by the federal government, which is also
paying for its distribution and providing syringes and other items with it.
This should help to keep the cost of getting the shot to a minimal level.
study of the effectiveness of the rapid flu tests used in many doctor's offices
found that they missed many of the cases of swine flu by giving false-negative
dose of the H1N1 vaccine should offer protection against the new virus in
children ages 10 to 17, while younger children, especially those getting the
flu shot for the first time, will need to get two dosages of the shot at least
21 days apart. This is the same timetable for receiving the regular flu shot
a study conducted at the University of Michigan school of public health, the
injectible version of the flu shot was found to be more effective than was the
nasal spray version of the vaccine.
Further results from the clinical trials of the swine flu vaccine are showing
that only one dose of the vaccine, not two will be needed to provide adequate
protection against the disease.
first vaccine dose is intended to "prime" a person's immune system so
that it can recognize a new type of virus, while the second dose helps the immune
system produce enough antibodies to fight against the virus.
FDA has approved the vaccines made by a unit of Sanofi-Aventis SA, Novartis AG,
CSL Ltd and AstraZeneca PLC's Medimune unit (nasal spray). GlaxoSmithKline, PLC
is still awaiting approval for its "swine flu" vaccine batches.
nasal spray vaccine made by Medimune contains a weakened live virus, while
injections contain killed and fragmented virus. About 3.4 million doses of
swine flu vaccine are expected to be available by early October.
are an estimated 159 million Americans who are in what the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention calls the "high risk" group. This group
consists of pregnant women, people less than 24 years of age, people with
high-risk medical conditions and health-care workers.
195 million swine flu vaccine doses that have been purchased by the U.S.
government will flow into 90,000 distribution centers throughout the country
starting sometime in the middle of October. The local state health department
will allocate the distribution of the vaccine to the individual medical facilities
that will administer the vaccine.
is now widespread flu activity in 21 states, up from 11 a week ago, and
virtually all the samples tested are of the swine flu variety. It is estimated
that about 54 million regular flu vaccine doses have already been distributed
and are available now to be used to help prevent the onslaught of the regular
Even though swine flu (H1N1) seems to be garnering the most media attention,
the U.S. is now bracing for the traditional flu season as well. According to
Dennis Garcia, associate medical director of health and wellness services at
Washington State University, "It's (swine flu) mild-the seasonal flu lasts
10 to 14 days, and this (swine flu) is lasting three to five days."
officials are also closely monitoring the emergence of a new variant of a
long-circulating seasonal flu strain, called H3N2, which is associated with
more hospitalizations and deaths among the elderly than other strains.
single shot of the swine flu vaccine, developed by an Australian drug maker CSL
Ltd., and tested in 240 healthy adults in that country has proven to be
effective without having the subjects being given a 2nd shot.
Nationwide, there are an estimated 15.9 million college students, at more than
4,000 two-year and four-year institutions. A tracking system has been set up by
the American College Health Association, which will post weekly flu case data
and cumulative figures on its Web site.
August 22 to 28, 1,640 cases were reported in 165 colleges. So far, most cases
have been relatively mild, with only one student hospitalized.
good news is that so far, everything that we've seen, both here and abroad,
shows that the virus has not mutated to become more deadly, " said
Dr.Thomas Frieden, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. "That means that although it may affect lots of people, most
people will not be severely ill."
of August 8, 36 children (2 months to 17 years old) died in the United States
of the swine flu, but 67% of those who died had high-risk medical conditions,
predominantly neuro-development disorders, such as epilepsy or cerebral palsy.
As of that date the death count among all ages in this country is 477 confirmed
swine flu cases.
the swine flu has been confirmed to have infected more than 209,438 people, and
at least 2,185 have died, according to the World Health Organization.
Institute of Medicine recommended that health care workers treating people with
swine flu protect themselves from infection by wearing a type of specially
fitted mask called an N95 respirator, which is tighter and better able to seal
out viruses than the more common types of surgical masks..
The initial preliminary test results of the swine flu vaccine have indicated that
there are no serious side effects from usage of the vaccine, according to Dr.
Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, which is overseeing the trials.
trials of adults began on August 7, and those on children on August 15th.
Clinical trials for pregnant women will begin early in September. The vaccine
will be tested on about 4,500 people.
the virus changes, health officials do not expect to recommend mixing in
adjuvants. Ajuvants, which are usually oil-water emulsions or aluminum salts,
boost the immune system but also often increase the risk of unpleasant side
of the latest official count, there have been 522 swine flu deaths in the
United States that have been confirmed by lab tests, although the real number
is undoubtedly higher.
The results of a recent research report done in England concluded that both
Tamifu and Relenza had little benefits when administered to children under the
age of 12 in connection with the treatment for A/H1N1 swine flu.
Thomson, one of the authors of the report, stated that either of those two
vaccines, when administered to children under the age of 12, reduced the length
of the illness by an average of only one day, which he felt was a "short
effect for an illness that lasts about a week."
Thomson also said trials showed the antivirals reduce transmissions among
children by only 8%, and they "could do more harm than good."
British government has purchased 10.6 million doses of Relenza, which is
manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline PLC and 7.6 million doses of Tamiflu, which is
made by Roche Holdings AG as it tries to cope with the disease in that country.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, a panel of 14 medical experts
from around the country has set up a list of who would get priorities in
connection with the administration of the swine flu vaccine in this country.
The panel makes its recommendation to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, who then will make a final decision on the matter.
expected, healthy seniors over 65 would be the last ones on the priority list,
since it seems as if those in this age grouping have developed a resistance
within their own body system to this disease.
top priority group, 159 million Americans, would include health care workers
and emergency responders. It would also include people with the highest risk of
complications and severe illnesses from the virus. This includes pregnant
women; children and young adults from 6 months to 24 years of age; and people
age 25 to 64 with medical problems like asthma, diabetes or heart disease.
people will need two shots for swine flu, in addition to their regular flu shot
Federal officials said they have purchased enough bulk ingredients to produce
195 million doses of swine flu vaccine, and expect to make up to 100 million
doses available by October, even though the vaccine is proving to be very
difficult to make.
Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases announced that clinical testing of the swine flu vaccine would begin
shortly. The Institute will oversee the trials, which will initially recruit
2,400 volunteerx in the first round of testing. All of the volunteers will be
monitored for adverse reactions, and, about three weeks after each shot, their
blood will be tested to see how many antibodies to the swine flu were made
high antibody level means that the volunteer would not get the flu or would
only get a mild case of the disease. According to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, about one person in 100,000 develops Guillain-Barre
syndrome. The trials will be conducted at 8 hospitals and medical organizations
that have been used since 1962 to test seasonal flu shots and other
experimental vaccines.
initial tests will be of vaccines made by Sanofi-Pasteur, a European company,
and CSL Biotherapies, an Autralian company that has supplied seasonal flu shots
to this country for many years. Novartis AG is conducting separate trials for
FDA licensing.
government has also bought large stocks of adjuvants to stretch the vaccine
supply if the flu mutates into a more dangerous form, and a clamor for shots
emerges. Adjuvants cause more side effects and are not now used in flu shots in
this country.
is expected that there will have to be two swine flu shots administered to each
individual in the U.S., meaning that there will have to be at least 600 million
doses of the vaccine if everyone is to be inoculated. Realistically, it will be
stretching things if even two thirds of the American population volunteers to
get the shots.
past years, there has always been an overproduction of the regular flu vaccine,
so that millions of doses have to be discarded, since the vaccine can not be
used for the following year's flu season.
Two of the manufacturers of the swine flu vaccine are reporting difficulties in
producing large quantities of the antigen used in the vaccine that will cause
delays in having sufficient quantities of the product available in time to
begin inoculations in the fall.
two, Novartis AG and Baxter International reported the delays because the H1N1
virus being cultivated, then inactivated and then blended into antigen, the
main ingredient in the vaccine is yielding a "low" level of antigen.
U.S. government has signed contracts with four companies to purchase
ingredients used to make the vaccine to be used against the swine flu virus.
The four are Sanofi-Aventis SA; Astra-Zeneca PlC; Glaxo-SmithKline PlC and
Novartix AG.
is the active ingredient in a vaccine that causes the human body's immune
system to develop antibodies that help fight an invading virus.
a surprise announcement, made in a "briefing note" posted on the
World Health Organization's Web site, the organization said it would no longer
track swine flu and deaths around the world.
its last posting on July 6, the WHO confirmed that there were 94,512 confirmed
cases of swine flu in 122 countries throughout the world, with 429 deaths.
There were 211 confirmed deaths in the United States, 137 in Argentina and
Mexico 121.
The U.S. government has set aside about $1 billion for clinical trials and
production of two bulk ingredients needed for the H1N1 swine flu vaccine.
According to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about $7.5
billion more would be made available for the vaccination campaign.
swine flu vaccination campaign will be separate and apart from the regular flu
campaign for the upcoming flu season. U.S. government officials said that they
hope to have over 600 million doses of the swine flu vaccine available, and
about 120 million doses of the regular flu vaccines on hand for the initiation
of the vaccination campaign in the fall.
must wait for the outcome of a series of clinical trials that will determine
whether the vaccine is effective, and if so, how many doses are needed. Those
trials are expected to get underway in early August, with some results in early
key difference in the vaccination campaign will be the fact that older people (over
65) are not being impacted as greatly as are younger people in connection with
the swine flu, while older people are more likely to have fatal consequences as
a result of the regular flu than those younger than 65, with the exception of
children under 5.
lists are being drawn up as to who will get the swine flu vaccinations, since it
will be extremely difficult for the vaccine manufacturers to produce the
quantity of vaccines available to meet the demand.
Roche Holding AG, the Zurich based drug company, announced it would cut the
price of its Tamiflu antiviral drug for developing countries by half and allow
them to spread payment for the drug over several years period of time. The drug
can be used against the spreading swine flu pandemic.
the program, Roche will produce and store Tamiflu stockpiles for charges
between $7 to $8.40 for a pack of 10 Tamiflu capsules at the highest dose of 75
milligrams. The usual price for the drug is about double that. Lower dosages
will also be available at lower prices.
70 countries, which are members of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and
Immunization, can take part in the program. India, where a generic version of
the drug is available, is excluded from the program.
According to the latest estimate from the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), more than 1 million Americans have been afflicted with the
swine flu this year. Dr. Anne Schuchat, director of respiratory diseases at the
CDC stated that this was "just a ballpark figure."
disease has hospitalized about 3,000 Americans, and 127 have died from the
swine flu.
flu has now reached more than 100 countries, according to the World Health
Organization. There are presently 5 American vaccine companies producing the
swine flu vaccine, and it is estimated that about 60 million doses will be
available by September, if all goes well.
only 60 million doses available for the beginning of the upcoming flu season,
choices will have to be made as to what group will get priority to be
inoculated with the vaccine.
The U.S. Senate approved a $106 billion emergency spending bill that includes
$80 billion to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and up to $7.65 billion
to prepare for handling the swine flu pandemic.
measure, which had been approved by the House now goes on to the President for
his signature. It includes a provision to spend up to $1 billion for a
"cash for clunkers" provision, which would grant vouchers up to
$4,500 to motorists who trade in their vehicles for more fuel-efficient models.
billion dollars is allocated to foreign aid, and also for loan guarantees for
the International Monetary Fund.
bill does not include funding for the closing of the prison at Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, and forbids detainees from being released in the United States.
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the first flu pandemic in 41years,
even though the swine flu is not showing any signs of being more lethal as it
spreads across the globe. Less than 1% of reported H1N1 cases have resulted in
of June 11th, when the WHO raised the swine flu to Level 6, there
were 28,774 confirmed cases of H1N1 in 74 countries, including 144 deaths. The
declaration requires countries that have not been exposed to the disease to
roll out pandemic-prevention plans and to step up monitoring efforts.
of June 11th, New York City has had 863 confirmed cases of the
The World Health Organization(WHO) said that it was close to declaring swine
flu at Level 6, and therefore a worldwide pandemic. The disease has now been
officially confirmed in 64 countries. To raise the flu alert to its highest
level, Level 6, WHO would need to have determined that the disease had become
"community transmitted"- meaning beyond travelers, schools and
immediate contact on two continents.
if the disease is declared to be at the Level 6, the organization would add a
caveat indicating that the virus was not very lethal. Swine flu has been blamed
for only 117 deaths so far worldwide.
50 states in the U.S. have now confirmed at least one instance of swine flu in
its community. It has been blamed for 19 deaths in the U.S..
The World Health Organization flu alert now stands at level 5, or one notch
below a pandemic. The U.S. government I setting aside $1 billion to launch
development of an H1N1 swine flu vaccine, with the money coming from already
existing federal funding for pandemic flu preparedness.
money will be used for clinical studies this summer, and for the production of
two bulk ingredients that will be placed in a federal stockpile to be used if
officials decide to go ahead with a large-scale vaccination program.
AG will receive $289 million, Sanofi Aventis SA will receive $191 million and
GlaxoSmithKline PLC will get $181 million to produce H1N1 vaccine ingredients.
$50 million will go to these manufacturers and others to produce
"candidate lots" of vaccine and to pay for the clinical studies to
evaluate the effectiveness of the vaccine.
new vaccine would not be available for usage until October at the earliest
City removed its swine flu alert on May 22nd and the disease seems
to be abating in this country also. The World Health Organization in Geneva
reported that swine flu has been diagnosed in 42 countries so far this year, but
historically, pandemics infect a third of any population over about two years.
"working hypothesis" of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) is that most Americans will need two swine flu shots and the regular flu
shot for full protection against the disease for the oncoming flu season that
begins in September.
to Dr. Anne Schuchat, the director of immunization and respiratory disease at
the CDC, many people born before the 1957 Asian flu, and particularly those 65
or older, seem to have antibodies in their blood protecting them against the
new virus. People over 65 may need only one swine flu shot, and may even be
able to do without the one swine flu shot.
1 percent of the 6,552 confirmed and probable swine flu cases thus far in this
country have been people over 65, Dr.Schuchat said. "The worst may be
over" for this flu season, according to Dr. Schuchat, but some areas of
the country, including New York still continue to be plagued by the disease.
The following data was extracted from the most recent posting from the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention Web site:
Is it better to get the flu vaccine by taking an injection or Medimmune's
intranasal spray Flu-Mist? Researchers, led by Dr. Zhong Wang of the Armed
Forces Health Surveillance Center in Silver Spring, Md concluded that the
injectible flu vaccine is the better of the two.
researchers, who studied the medical records of more than one million members
of the United States military over a three-year period concluded that
conventional intra-muscular shots reduced doctor visits for flu-like symptoms
by up to 54%, while intra-nasal vaccine curbed flu-related visits by just 21%.
personnel who received flu shots in the 2004-05 flu season had 54.8% fewer
health care visits for flu-like symptoms and pneumonia than those who received
no vaccine, 30.7% fewer visits the following year and 28.4% fewer visits in
who took the inhaled Flu-Mist had 20.8 fewer visits than the unvaccinated
patients in 2004-05, 12% fewer visits than the unvaccinated in 2006-06 and
10.7% fewer visits in 2006-07.
2004-05 military personnel who took the inhaled vaccine were actually more
likely to end up in the hospital with the flu or pneumonia than those who
received no vaccination, according to the results of the study.
results of the study were published in a recent edition of The Journal of the
American Medical Association.
The flu vaccine comprises three different strains that are determined months in
advance so that the manufacturers have sufficient time to produce enough
quantity of the vaccine for the coming year's flu season. The Food and Drug
Administration panel recommended that one strain, the "B" stain be
changed for the upcoming flu season.
vaccines generally contain two "A" influenza strains that include an
H1N1 subtype and an H3 N2 subtype in addition to the one "B" type
recommendation follows a similar recommendation made by the World Health
Organization for the Northern Hemisphere. The FDA must sign off on any strain
changes and approve the vaccine made for distribution in this country. Data
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is used in determining
which flu strain created the most flu cases in a given year
So far this has been a below-average flu season, but one of the three dominant
flu strains has proven to be resistant to the antiviral drug Tamiflu. Please
note that in our item dated 2/5/08, that Norwegian scientists had made this
discovery many months ago.
winter, about 11% of the throat swabs from patients with the most common type
of flu what were sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for
genetic typing showed a Tamiflu-resistant strain. This season, 99% show it.
appears to be a spontaneous mutation rather than one caused by overuse of the
drug. It is also quite unusual for a mutation to thrive so rapidly, but this is
the problem that scientists now face.
professionals are urged to test suspected flu cases as quickly as possible to
determine if they are influenza A or influenza B. If it is influenza A they
must further test to determine if it is H1 or H3 viruses. The only
Tamiflu-resistant strain is the H1N1 strain, which is the one causing the most
flu cases in this country..
a Tamiflu-resistant strain is suspected, GalaxoSmithKline's Relenza could be
administered to the patient to help fight the disease. Relenza can not be used
for children under 7 years of age.
FDA has approved six vaccines for the 2008-2009 flu season. All are for use
against influenza disease caused by influenza virus types A and B. They are:
of the six vaccines project about 146 million doses will be available for this
influenza season, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC).
The current flu season has already been the most severe one in the last three
years. Deaths related to the flu and pneumonia were listed as underlying or
contributing causes of death in 9.1 percent of the deaths. Any rate over 6.9
percent is considered unusually high.
deaths include 65 children under the age of 18. In each of the three previous
flu seasons, 46 to 74 children died.
vaccine for the next flu season has already been formulated, and it will contain
three completely different strains from the ones used this year. The virus
arises in East and Southeast Asia, and reach Europe and America six to nine
months later. It then moves on to South America where it dies out.
CDC estimates that 5 percent to 20 percent of the U.S. population gets the flu,
and that more than 200,000 people are hospitalized each year because of the
disease and its complications. It also estimates that about 36,000 people die
each year because of the disease.
GlaxoSmithKline PLC added psychiatric problems to the label of its flu drug
Relenza. For additional details on this matter please see our item dated
12/7/07 below.
new language lists seizures, hallucinations and delirium as among the problems
seen in patients taking the drug. Most problems occurred in Japanese children
who were taking it. Japan is the largest market in the world for flu
Holding AG made a similar change to the label for its drug Tamiflu last month.
Tamiflu last year had sales of $2.4 billion and Relenza's 2007 sales were $520
influenza A (H1) viruses predominated through mid-January, an increasing
proportion of subtyped influenza A viruses are influenza A (H3) viruses.
Influenza A (H3) viruses have been reported more frequently than influenza A
(H1) viruses since week 4 (January 20-26), and during week 6 (February 3-9),
influenza A (H3) became the predominant virus for the season overall. This
season influenza A (H3) viruses have been reported more frequently than A (H1)
viruses nationally, as well as in seven of the nine surveillance regions (East
North Central, East South Central, Mid-Atlantic, New England, South Atlantic,
West North Central, and West South Central). Influenza A (H1) viruses have
predominated circulation this season in the remaining two regions (Mountain and
vaccination is usually 70-90% effective in preventing influenza in healthy
adults and children. Individuals who have had an anaphylactic reaction to eggs
should not take the vaccine.
are two types of vaccine: line attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) and
trivalent inactivated vaccine (TIV). The Immunization Action Coalition (www.immunize.org) recommends that you should
"not give live attenuated vaccine (LAIV) to persons who are younger than
age 5 years, are age 50 years or older, are pregnant, have a history of
Guillian-Barre syndrome, or have a chronic disease that constitutes an
increased risk when exposed to influenza. Trivalent inactivated influenza
vaccine (TIV) is preferred for persons who have close contact with severely
immunosurpressed persons during periods when immunocompressed person requires a
protective environment."
Because of the fact that the influenza vaccine has to be prepared far in
advance of the flu season, scientists must use their best
"guesstimate" as to which strain of the disease will hit in the
coming flu season. Unfortunately the flu bacteria strain in this year's vaccine
did not hit the "spot". That is why we are having a much more serious
spread of the disease than normal.
For the week ending January 26th, which is the 18th week
of the flu season, the figures show it to be the third consecutive week of
acceleration, even though it was slightly below last year's level.
proportion of outpatient visits for influenza-like-symptoms (ILI) was above
national baseline levels and the proportion of outpatient visits for acute
respiratory illness (ARI) was below national baseline levels.
is the second consecutive week that both the number of states reporting
widespread outbreaks and regional activity exceeded last year.
Norwegian epidemiologists have called attention to the fact that a mutant flu
virus was present in 12 of the 16 (75%) viruses isolated in that country from
patients in the early part of the influenza season. The mutation makes it
resistant to the anti-influenza drug Tamiflu according to World Health
Organization officials.
predominant flu virus circulating this winter is A/H1N1, but the
Tamiflu-resistant form of the virus, known as influenza A(H1Hi H274Y), has been
found with varying frequency in Britain, Denmark, France, Norway, Canada and
the U.S.
are no immediate plans to recommend changes in the use of Tamiflu, which is
also known as oseltamivir, because the incidence of the mutant virus is still
very small.
the week ending January 19, 2008, which is the so-called 17th week
of the flu season, flu activity was greater than what it was for the same
period last year. This is the second week in a row that this has occurred. The
proportion of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness (ILI) visits and
acute-respiratory illness (ARI) were both above the national baseline.
The advisory panel that we refer to in our item dated 11/26/07 went along with
the FDA staff members recommendations to add precautionary language to the
labels of the flu drugs Tamiflu form Roche Holdings AG, and Relenza, made by
GlaxoSmithKline PLC, to reflect reports of abnormal behavior and hallucinations
seen among a small group of patients.
issue now goes to the FDA for formal action. The panel voted 9-5 in favor of
additional language on the Tamiflu label, while voting 11-1 in favor of the
addition for Relenza. Tamiflu's label previously had noted the observance of
abnormal behavior, while the Relenza label did not have such a notation.
48 million patients have used Tamiflu since it entered the market in 1999.
Nearly 600 cases of psychiatric behavior by Tamiflu patients have been reported
with 75% of them in Japan. Five children in Japan died after "falling from
windows or balconies or running into traffic" according to the FDA
Staff members of the FDA have recommended to the advisory panel that will be
meeting on Tuesday November 27 that a warning should be added to the label for
Tamiflu, made by Roche Holding, and Relenza, made by GlaxoSmithKline that they
may cause psychiatric side effects. This recommendation has been posted on the
agency's Web site.
Japanese children who took Tamiflu and became delirious died, and there were reports
of abnormal behavior among some children who had been given Relenza. Regulators
are not sure if the drugs, the flu virus or a combination of both caused the
deaths and abnormal behavior, the FDA staff members said in a memo written
November 9.
prescribing information was updated last year to tell doctors they should
monitor patients for signs of abnormal behavior.
A federal advisory panel recommended that MedImmune's FluMist nasal influenza
vaccine be approved for usage in healthy children as young as two years of age.
FluMist had previously been approved for use in children ages five and older,
and in adults up to 49 years of age. It is the only flu vaccine on the market
that is not an injected shot.
is a recently acquired subsidiary of the English pharmaceutical company
AstraZeneca PLC. The panel's approval is given to the Secretary of Health and
Human Services for final approval.
panel voted to add FluMist to a federal program that pays for vaccines for
uninsured or low-income children up to age 19. Once approved by the HHS,
private insurance companies are more likely to cover the vaccination cost.
is not recommended for children who have a history of wheezing or asthma.
Going into the flu vaccination season, because of the large quantity of the
vaccine that is available, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
announced that everyone who wants one, will have the shot available. For the
last several years the government was urging high risk individuals and children
to get first shot at the vaccine.
CDC also announced that it was safe for younger children over two years of age
to the nasal-spray vaccine FluMist.
Novartis AG, the Swiss drug company, announced that it has begun shipments to
the U.S. of its Fluvirin influenza vaccine, with the aim of making and shipping
20 million doses of the vaccine by September. The company also announced that
it hoped to ship a total of 40 million doses of the vaccine to the U.S. in time
for the 2007-2008 flu season.
acquired Chiron Corp as the stepping stone for its entry into the flu vaccine
business. The company said that it had developed new and faster manufacturing
techniques that have allowed the company to introduce the vaccine earlier than
usual. For last year's flu season the company manufactured 30 million doses of
the vaccine to be distributed in this country.
year a new strain of the flu virus drug is arrived at by experts in the field
who try to anticipate which strain of the disease will strike the world's
The FDA has issued a warning letter to MedImmune Inc. of Gaithersburg Md
concerning safety issues at its British manufacturing plant for the company's
FluMist vaccine. The warning letter means that there will be a delay in gaining
approval by the company of the vaccine for use in children younger than 5 years
of age.
is in the process of being acquired by the British drug company AstaZeneca PLC.
The company is also hoping to gain approval to use the oral vaccine in children
as young as 6 months of age who have no asthma or history or wheezing.
is a nonshot vaccine that is administered through the nose. The FDA posted the
warning letter on its site, on which it asserted that bioburden, or bacteria
found in material used to make FluMist exceeded specified limits. MedImmune
said that it is working with the FDA to resolve the problem so that its flu
production for the 2007-2008 season will not be affected.
said that the delay will not affect its proposed merger with MedImmune.
In a unanimous vote ,an FDA advisory panel agreed that Medimmune's nasal spray
vaccine FluMist is effective for children in the one year to five-year-old
category without a history of wheezing. Most panelists also said that the
vaccine worked for children as young as 6 months old.
FDA has already approved FluMist for healthy people from 5 to 49 years old.
Final FDA approval for FluMist is expected to occur shortly.
Roche Holding Inc announced that it would cut production of its flu drug Tamiflu
because of decreases demand, and also because sufficient amounts of the vaccine
are now available in stockpiles throughout the world. The vaccine has been
stockpiled because many health experts feel that it is the first line of
defenses against avian flu as well as regular flu.
said that it had orders for 215 million doses of the vaccine while its
production facilities can make up to 400 million doses of Tamiflu a year.
similar type statement was issued by GlazoSmithKline PLC, the manufacturer of
Relenza which cut production of the vaccine because an oversupply of the flu
fighting drug is now available.
won't be long before you will be reading of millions of batches of the vaccine
having to be destroyed because they are not effective in fighting the new versions
of the vaccine that must be produced each year.
more on Tamiflu and Relenza see our items dated 11/24/06, 6/7/06 and 3/11/06.
AstraZeneca, the London based drug company announced that it had agreed to buy
MedImmune, the biotechnology company that we have written about in this article
in an all cash deal for $58 a share.
based in Gaithersburg, Md is best known for FluMist, its nasal spray flu
vaccine that is more expensive than the injectible flu vaccines. FluMist was a
total flop when it was first introduced, but came into greater usage after the
flu shortage that took place in 2004 when Chiron Corp. was forced to close down
its flu vaccine production facility in England for safety reasons. To read more
about this please see our items dated 2/24/07, 1/11/07 and 9/7/05.
FDA recently approved a non-refrigerated version of FluMist. MedImmune hopes to
win approval from the FDA for usage among children in the 6 month to 5-year age
The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare issued a warning that the
anti-influenza drug Tamiflu should not be given to teenagers after it received
a report that two twelve year old boys had jumped from the second floors of
their homes within the past two months after receiving the oral vaccine.
in both the U.S. and Japan cautioned that it was unclear if the drug caused the
behavior, or if the behavior was caused by the flu itself of by another cause.
The American label for the drug already contains a precaution referring to reports
of "self-injury and delirium" among users of Tamiflu.
the vaccine's manufacturer continues to defend the safety of the drug.
An outside advisory panel of experts recommended approval for Sanofi-Aventi
SA's vaccine for use in an avian-flu pandemic, despite limited evidence of its
efficacy and safety. The FDA and the panel said that is would only be a stopgap
measure till newer, better versions are developed.
has said that it does not plan to commercially market the first-generation
vaccine that was reviewed by the panel.
of the vaccine are expected to comprise part of a national stockpile and could
be provided to health workers and other first responders if they are at risk
for infection.
H5N1 bird flu has infected at least 273 people worldwide, killing 166 since the
virus re-emerged in late 2003. The Sanofi vaccine was tested in a limited trial
by the NIH, with only 91 people being involved in the test. Only 45 % of the
people tested responded to large dose of the vaccine.
The results of a study that was conducted on 7,852 children from the ages of 6
months to 5 years old found that there were 55% fewer cases of flu when they
were protected by Medimmune's FluMist, the nasal spray, compared to those who
received the inoculation vaccine.
FDA has not licensed FluMist for children under five. Researchers from medical
schools in St. Louis, Tennessee, California and Finland conducted the study,
the results of which were published in The New England Journal of Medicine. Dr.
Robert B. Belshe, a vaccine researcher at St. Louis University's Medical School
was the lead author for the report about the study.
study and an editorial contained an important caution: Among children younger
than 1 year, there were slightly more hospitalizations and episodes of wheezing
in the FluMist group. As a result Medimmune said that is would seek FDA
approval to use the product only among children older than one year of age.
risk of an asthma attack must also be considered before administering FluMist.
Medimune Inc. announced that the FDA had approved an updated version of its
nasal spray flu vaccine FluMist. The new version of FluMist does not need to be
kept frozen, as did the older version of the spray. FluMist is more expensive
than inoculation flu vaccines.
approval pertains only to healthy children and adults between the ages of 5 and
49 years of age. The company said that it expects to begin shipping of the
first doses of the new version of the spray for 2007 in time for physicians to
start vaccinating patients as early as August.
at therubins hate to throw cold water on the company, but it is difficult
enough to get people to come in for the vaccination in October, let alone
expect them to come in as early as August.
There are not too many viewers of this site who are surprised by the headline
story that ran in Saturday's NY Times article "After Shortage, Flu Vaccine
Goes Unused." Just read some of the prior items in this article and you
can see that this development comes as no shock at all.
you know that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had proclaimed
November 27th through December 3 the first ever National Influenza
Vaccination Week? "Catch the holiday spirit, not the flu," declared
Dr. Julie L.Geberding, the director of the agency were the she declared in the
is simple math that government officials and the vaccine manufacturers can't
seem to acknowledge. If you produce between 110million to 115 million doses of
the vaccine, and the greatest number of doses that have been used in any one
year is 83 million, you are going to have an oversupply of the vaccine.
problem is seems to us at therubins is the fact that you must prove to the
public that it really is worthwhile to take the shots. All of us know a lot of
people who took the shot and yet they developed the flu. On the other hand we
also know of many people who did not take the shot, who did not develop the
it really worth the inconvenience and cost of getting the shot? Then again how
many times have we heard that the vaccine, which must be produced before the
flu season begins, did not have the right ingredients against this year's
particular strain.
estimate that there were 36,000 deaths and 200,000 hospitalizations each year as
a result of the flu.
year there are three manufacturers of the flu shots. Sanofi-Aventis, the French
drug company, has shipped 50 million doses so far this year; Novartis, which
acquired Chiron has shipped 30 million doses this year; and GlaxoSmithKline has
shipped 24 million doses this year. MedImmune, which makes the nasal spray
Tamiflu, has sold 2.5 million doses so far this year.
flu season has not been a serious one at all. Therefore it is unlikely that
even 70 million doses will be used. Since the vaccine can't be stored
year-to-year we estimate that over 40 million doses will have to be thrown
invite anyone involved in the flu vaccine program, be it a drug company or a
governmental agency to dispute these numbers.
An FDA staff opinion recommended that the label for Roche Holding Inc.'s flu
drug Tamiflu be updated to include a precaution related to possible psychiatric
problems in patients who take it.
recommendation was based on a 10-month review that found 103 cases of
"neuro-psychiatric adverse events," including the death of a boy who
fell after climbing on a balcony railing.
the cases, 67% were in children and 95% occurred outside the U.S., mostly in
Japan, where Tamiflu's biggest volume of sales takes place. Tamiflu's label in
Japan already contains such a warning.
As we pointed out in our item dated 9/12/06, the greatest amount of flu vaccine
ever produced was 95 million doses in 1995. Unfortunately history has shown
that we have had to throw out millions of doses of the vaccine every year. Two
years ago, there was a large outcry about a flu vaccine shortage because 50
million doses of the vaccine that was produced by Chiron Corp., at a plant in
Liverpool, England that was found to be unsafe, had to be discarded.
turned out that no shortage occurred, even then, since it did not become a
serious flu season. As a result of the outcry about shortages, and because of
fear of the avian flu, the manufacturers will produce the largest amount of
doses of the vaccine in history. It is now expected that 115 million doses of
the vaccine will be produced this year. Two years ago the total supply came to
61 million doses, and it was sufficient to meet all needs that year.
we have pointed out in this article the doses cannot be stored from one year to
the next, because of the fact that there is a different expected strain of the
disease each year. The plan to have the government guarantee the price of the
vaccine fell through because of the excessive cost of the program
have delivered 26 million doses of the vaccine to doctor's offices and clinics,
according to Curtis Allen, a spokesman for the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. Seventy-five million doses are expected to be delivered by the end
of October.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) expects that over 100 million
doses of the flu vaccine will be available this year. That amount is greater
than the greatest amount of the vaccine that was ever produced, which was 95
million in 1995.
previous years, unfortunately a lot of the doses had to be destroyed because
they were never used, and the formula for the vaccine must be reset every year.
75 million doses of the vaccine will be distributed by the end of October,
which is when the vaccination season begins in full.
The FDA announced that it had approved influenza vaccines made by
GlaxoSmithKline, Chiron, Medimune and Sanofi Pasteur for the 2006-2007 season.
Medimune's flu vaccine FluMist is given through a nasal spray, while the other
vaccines are administered by injection.
vaccines are reformulated for each season to provide protection against the
strain that experts adjudge to be the most likely cause of the illness for each
flu season. Thus last year's batch of the vaccine can not be given for this
year's flu season.
expect to produce about 100 million doses for the coming season. Vaccinations
usually begin in October.
FDA recently warned Sanofi about contamination at their flu shot manufacturing
plant in Pennsylvania, which is the same plant that had contamination problems
last year. Sanofi expects to produce about 50 million doses of the vaccine this
coming season.
The World Health Organization formally endorsed amantadine and rimantadine, two
generic drugs in the battle against the avian flu. Please see our item dated
5/19/06 on this subject. The endorsement of the two older drugs is contained in
a 138-page report released by the organization that contains suggestions on
fighting the disease.
made by Roche Holding AG of Switzerland, remains the WHO's drug of choice for
treating bird-flu victims. The report recommended that doctors might consider
giving patients either of these generic drugs to their patients with the
disease in addition to administering Tamiflu, in places where generic analyses
of circulating strains of the virus show that the older class of drugs could
Two of the older generic drugs that are plentiful and cheaper than Roche's
Tamiflu are effective in the battle against the avian flu. The results of the
study showing this to be so appeared in the Journal of Infectious Diseases. The
two generic drugs are amantadine and rimantadine.
appears to retain the potential to be useful in an H5N1 pandemic in the absence
of a vaccine, as a prophylactic agent and as a componennt of combination
antiviral therapy," according to the study.
According to Kevin Teale, a spokesman for the Iowa Department of Public Health,
two airline passengers may have helped spread Iowa's mumps epidemic. This is
the first year that the United States has experienced a mumps epidemic in the
last twenty years. There have been 815 suspected mumps cases reported in Iowa,
43 in Nebraska; 33 in Kansas; 4 in Illinois, Missouri and Wisconsin, and one in
far no one has died of the disease, which broke out in either Iowa City or
Dubuque in December. About one half of the cases in Iowa involved college
students. The vaccine has about an 80% efficacy rate for people who have been
inoculated with one dose, and a rate of about 90% for those who have received
the recommended two doses.
CDC has taken steps to provide an additional 50,000 doses of the mumps vaccine,
about half of which has been donated by Merck.
Holding AG said that a stockpile of 3 million of its treatment courses of its
antiviral drug Tamiflu is ready and at the disposal of the World Health
a separate agreement, the company has donated an additional two million courses
of Tamiflu to WHO for use in developing countries most likely affected by bird
flu in humans, and cannot afford the drug.
The FDA has approved GlaxoSmithKline PLC's antiviral drug Relenza for flu
prevention in adults and children ages five and older. The drug had previously
been approved for the treatment of flu. It now joins Roche Holdings AG's
Tamiflu as a drug that is helpful in preventing the flu, as well as helping to
alleviate its symptoms once the disease has set in.
Debra B. Birnkrant, director of the FDA's division of antiviral products, said
that Relenza studies suggest it is effective at preventing the spread of the virus,
if treatment is begun within a day and half after a family member comes down
with the disease. She also indicated that the agency had no proof that the drug
was effective in the treatment of the H5N1 flu strain, which is responsible for
the avian flu.
Birnkrant said that the drug had been studied in a total of 3,800 patients,
wherein it showed its effectiveness in preventing the spread of the disease.
Government officials announced that they had ordered 12.4 million treatment
courses of Tamiflu, made by Roche, and 1.75 million treatment courses of
Relenza, made by GlaxoSmithKline to be stockpiled in the event of a pandemic
flu outbreak. A Roche spokesman said that he expected that the company would
have the ordered filled by this fall.
government already has 5.5 million drug treatment courses in its pandemic flu
stockpile. The U.S. hopes to eventually acquire 80 million treatment courses,
which would be enough to treat slightly more than 25% of the population. The
states pay three-quarters of the cost of most of those courses.
Bush budget calls for the government to spend $2.65 billion in 2007 on pandemic
flu preparation, on top of this year's expenditure of $3.3 billion. The
president said that he would eventually ask Congress to spend a total of 47.1
billion on pandemic flu preparations.
and Relenza reduce the severity and duration of flu infections, but there is no
scientific proof that they can stop avian flu from spreading.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has recommended that all
children between the ages of 2 years to 5 years old should get flu shots. The
recommendations of this panel are usually followed by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC). Flu shots are presently recommended for children
ages 6 months to 23 months, pregnant women, people 65 and over, and people with
chronic health conditions.
CSL Ltd., an Australian company that makes flu vaccines in about 40 countries
announced that it would apply for approval to market its flu vaccine in this
country in time to supply some shots for the 2007-2008 flu season. If the FDA
grants the approval that will mean that there will be about 120 million doses
of the vaccine available for the 2008- 2009 flu season when the production from
its expanded Australian plant will become fully available.
we have from time to time pointed out, most of the flu seasons in this country
has resulted in many millions of the flu doses being thrown out, since they can
not be used for the following year's flu season. Most years we do not use even
80 million doses of the vaccine. More companies have entered this field, and
those already in the vaccine area have expanded their plant capacities once the
government started to guarantee them payments for the vaccines they were
the avian flu fear running rampant, the governments of the world have been
trying to stockpile the flu drugs Tamiflu and Relenza, even though there is no
positive proof that they work in stopping the disease. CSL Ltd., said that if
granted the approval it would produce about 20 million doses a year in the U.S.
The company sells flu vaccine under its name in 16 countries, and supplies bulk
vaccine to Berna Biotech, a Swiss company which sells the vaccine in 2r
The results of a study that was published in the English medical journal
Lancelot, concluded that Roche's Tamiflu and GlaxoSmithKline PLC's Relenza were
not helpful to patients with flu-like symptoms, and that there was no
"credible" evidence that Tamiflu works against the avian flu.
English Health Department and the Pienmonte region of Italy funded the study,
under the leadership of Tom Jefferson, a physician and epidemiologist based in
Rome. The study reviewed the data from 50 clinical trials of Tamiflu and other
flu drugs. While Tamiflu and Relenza are effective at reducing symptoms of
classic seasonal influenza, defined as influenza virus type A or B, they aren't
effective against a range of other viruses that cause "flu-like"
said it strongly disagreed with the study's "inappropriate"
conclusions, and defended Tamiflu's efficacy against seasonal flu. The World
Health Organization (WHO)said it continued to recommend that countries continue
to stockpile Tamiflu in case of the avian flu pandemic. Both Roche and the WHO
agreed however that there are no large human studies that show that Tamiflu is
effective against the bird flu.
strain that will be manufactured to fight the flu bug must be determined many
months before the flu season starts because of the large lead-time needed to
manufacture it. Therefore health experts must take educated guesses as to which
strain of the flu virus they must deal with in the coming months. Past history
has shown that the guess is not always the correct one. As a result of this
many batches of the vaccine are thrown out at the end of the flu season year,
since they can not be used for the following flu season.
spite of this fact, flu manufacturers announced at a recent conference held in
Atlanta for the American Medical Association and the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention that they would produce as many as 120 million doses of
the flu vaccine for this coming flu season. The most flu vaccine produced prior
hereto took place in the 2002-2003 flu season year when 95 million doses were
millions of doses had to be thrown out that year since they were never used.
This flu-season year about 86 million doses were produced, and it looks like
there will be an oversupply of the vaccine, so many of the doses will have to
be disposed of.
manufacturers are increasing the supply because they are getting better
reimbursements from the federal government, and they hope that federal health
officials recommend the flu shot for everyone in the coming flu seasons. This
of course assumes that everyone will go by that recommendation, which is of
course farfetched.
higher reimbursement rate by the federal government is causing the
manufacturers of the vaccine to throw caution to the wind, since they will have
little to lose.
stockpiling of Tamiflu by different countries throughout the world, at the cost
of billions of dollars without proof of its effectiveness in fighting the avian
flu is a huge gamble. Is that expensive risk worth taking? Until more
scientific evidence proves that it is effective in fighting the disease, we at therubins
feel the gamble is not worth taking at this time. That same money could be
spent more wisely by health officials of the world for more proven methods of
fighting world threatening diseases, such as malaria and AIDS.
According to figures from the World Health Organization, three of the 138
people known to have been infected with the A (H5N1) avian influenza virus
developed resistance to the antiviral drug Tamiflu. Scientists, led by Menno D.
de Jong, a doctor at Oxford University in Ho Chi Minh City looked at 8 Vietnamese
patients who were infected by the disease.
of the patients, a 13-year old girl, died despite receiving Tamiflu within 48
hours after the onset of flu symptoms. One other patient developed resistance
to Tamiflu, but that patient was not treated with the drug within the 48-hour
period after first onslaught of the disease. Six of the eight patients did not
develop resistance to the drug.
the 8 patients studied by the scientists, four lived and four died. Tamiflu is
designed to keep flu viruses from replicating in a person's body. David Reddy,
Roche's influenza pandemic task-force leader said that the company is
conducting animal studies to see if higher doses of Tamiflu would be needed to
successfully treat avian flu and overcome any resistance that the virus may
develop to the drug..
might be that Tamiflu would have to be used in combination with other drugs in
some cases. Roche officials also announced that the FDA had approved expanded
marketing of Tamiflu to include preventing the usual seasonal flu among children
ages 1 through 12. Thus the drug has been approved for usage by all ages of
patients in trying to prevent the disease from occurring.
the Swiss pharmaceutical company announced that it had reached an agreement
with China's state-owned Shanghai Pharmaceutical Group to make the drug
Tamiflu. This is the first of what are expected to be several more
announcements from Roche in which the company is expected to award licensing
agreements with about 12 other pharmaceutical companies.
Pharmaceutical would have full control over production and pricing of Tamiflu.
Roche already owns a venture in China with Shanghai and is expected to provide
technical experts to help get the process started. Shanghai will be able to
produce the drug for stockpiling purposes only, not for sale during the regular
flu season.
is not clear yet as to when Shanghai Pharmaceutical will be able to start
producing the drug..
Roche, the Swiss pharmaceutical company said that it is close to announcing
agreements to allow 15 pharmaceutical companies or governments to help produce
Tamiflu, the flu drug that is being stockpiled in the event of an avian flu
pandemic. Mylan Laboratories and Teva Pharmaceuticals are two of the
generic-drug companies involved in the discussions.
has not finalized the agreements since the company does not know how many firm
orders it has for the drug. The Bush administration plans to order 81 million
treatments of either Tamiflu or Relenza from GlaxoSmithKline, but has not made
firm commitments yet. Roche recently increased its supply to Taiwan to try and
prevent that government from producing the drug for itself in violation of its
Thailand and the Philippines can produce Tamiflu themselves since the drug does
not have patents in those countries.
The Déjà Vu column of the Wall Street Journal recently had an interesting
contribution from Cyntha Crossen entitled: "Political Action, Folly
Greeted the Outbreak of Swine Flu in 1976." As the title states, the
article dealt with the facts that surrounded the potential outbreak of swine
flu in this country in 1976.
outbreak of swine flu had taken place in this county in February 1976 at an
army base in New Jersey. Prior thereto, the virus had been seen only in animals
and had never made the leap from one human to another human. In her article she
wrote that it was thought at the time by some that, "The swine-flu virus
was incurable, potentially lethal, and very few people had natural immunity to
national vaccination program was begun that was funded mainly from an
appropriation of $113 million from Congress. Insurers for the companies that
had prepared the swine-flu vaccine announced that they would not cover any
lawsuits that arose as a result of the inoculation process. Congress passed
legislation that required the Justice Department to defend the drug companies
from any lawsuits that might arise as a result of the inoculation. The
legislation that Congress passed also denied the awarding of punitive damages
in this type of lawsuit.
immunization program began after the legislation was passed, and almost 40
million people, which was about one third of our population at that time
received the vaccination. The swine flu however remained dormant and did not
pass from the animals to humans. On December 16, 1976 the swine-flu inoculation
program was suspended, and 90 million doses of the vaccine went unused.
rushing to judgment in connection with the recent outbreak of avian flu let us
remember what happened in 1976 and not act in haste.
the Swiss pharmaceutical company that has the patent for Tamiflu, announced
that since the drug does not have patent protection in Indonesia, that country
could produce the drug for local consumption, without having to pay any
royalties to Roche. India recently announced that it would permit Ranbaxy
Laboratories and Cipla, the country's two largest generic drug manufacturing
companies, to produce generic versions of Tamiflu.
FDA advisory panel said: "The committee does not think, based on the data
presented, that there's any evidence Tamiflu played a role in the deaths"
of 12 children in Japan. The agency plans to continue to monitor possible
complications from the drug for up to two years. The safety review for the drug
was required, since it has been one year since the drug received a 6-month
patent extension. This patent extension is offered to all companies that test
the safety and effectiveness of their medications in children younger than 14
years of age. Please see our article on Prescription Drugs and the Patent Law in
connection with this loophole in the patent law.
was approved in 1999 in the U.S. and late in 2000 in Japan. Of the 13 million
prescriptions written for children worldwide, 11.6 million have been in Japan
according to figures from Roche. There have been adverse reactions reported in
connection with the drug including severe skin reactions in both children and
adults. The FDA said that between April 2004 and March 2005, 1.8 million
Tamiflu prescriptions were dispensed in the U.S., of which 456,000 were for
children 16 years of age or younger
and Gilead Sciences, the company that developed Tamiflu, announced that they
had settled the pending litigation between the two of them. Under the terms of
the settlement agreement Gilead said that it expected its royalty rate on the
drug to increase to between 18%-19% from its present rate of 10%. Roche will
make a payment to Gilead of $62.5 million to make that change retroactive to
the beginning of 2004.
the terms of the settlement Roche will continue to produce and market the drug but
committees with representatives from each company will oversee sales,
manufacturing and overall strategy. Gilead will have a say as to which
companies, if any, will be allowed to produce the drug.
Roche, the Swiss pharmaceutical company that makes Tamiflu said that it hoped
to be able to sharply increase its production capacity for the drug over the
coming years. The company expects to produce 300 million courses of the drug
next year, up from the 55 million courses that it will produce this year.
company also announced that it would charge 12 euros (about $14.10) for a
five-day treatment to less-developed countries, as defined by the World Bank,
and 15 euros in the developed countries. For seasonal flu, the company charges
20 to 50 euros a course to the public. The company has received over 150
requests for licenses to produce Tamiflu, but is only seriously considering 8
of those requests as of now.
to the latest figures 64 humans have died of the avian flu.
also announced that it has been in serious discussions to settle the
arbitration matter it is presently involved with Gilead Sciences, the American
company that invented Tamiflu 11 years ago.
basic material that is involved in the production of Tamiflu is shikimic acid.
Star anise, a rare spice that is found in the mountains of southern China is
involved in the production of about two thirds of Roche's shikimic acid supply.
The Chines company that is the broker for the spice, Beijing Ginko has declined
to supply the item to any other company besides Roche. Beijing Ginko may sell
some to the Chinese government, which in turn may allow the country to produce a
generic version of Tamiflu.
E. coli bacteria makes the other one third of Roche's supply of shikimic acid.
Roche said that it is hoping to be able to produce much more of the acid by
this latter method in the coming years.
last count, according to CDC officials, at least 71.5 million doses of flu
vaccine have been distributed, including 55 million from Sanofi Pasteur, a unit
of Aventis Pasteur; 8 million from Chiron; 7.5 million from GlaxoSmithKline;
and 1 million from Medimmune.
About 81 million doses will be distributed by the end of the month. 83 million
doses is the most flu vaccine doses that were ever distributed in this country.
The Thai government announced that it would begin to manufacture a generic
version of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) which is considered to be one of the most
effective antiviral drugs for the bird flu. Roche confirmed that Tamiflu was
not patented in Thailand, so the country could make it without compensating the
company. Thailand expects to have the drug available by February at the earliest.
journal Nature reported that in a study published in 2002 Roche scientists
showed that Tamiflu concentrations in patient's blood were far higher when
combined with probenecid, a common generic pill used in the treatment of gout.
Probenecid blocks the body from excreting Taniflu's active ingredient in urine,
leading to higher concentrations Health officials said that further studies
would be required before the procedure could be used with Tamiflu.
the Swiss pharmaceutical company that was formed through the merger of
Ciba-Geigy and Sandoz said that it would buy the rest already did not of Chiron
at $45 per share or a total of $5.1 billion, for the 113 million shares that it
does not already own. Ciba acquired the shares in Chiron about 10 years ago.
The acquisition is subject to approval of the Chiron shareholders as well as
governmental agencies. Chirons independent directors have approved the price.
GlaxoSmithKline offered to buy ID Biomedicals, a Canadian manufacturer of flu shots.
The sole American flu vaccine plant factory is in Swiftwater, Pa. It is owned
by the French company Sanofi-Aventis. Novartis officials said they would
consider building a vaccine factory in this country if the government provided
them with sufficient incentives to build it.
president George Bush announced his plan for spending $7.1 billion on the
vaccine situation, at a speech he gave in Baltimore at the National Institutes
of Health. Under his plan spending of $2.8 billion would go towards
accelerating a newer "cell based" technique that could produce
vaccines for 300 million people on a six-month timetable by 2010.
plan also calls for spending $1.2 billion to acquire enough egg-based vaccine
by 2009 to protect 20 million people against the deadly H5N1 strain of avian
flu. About $1 billion would be used to buy the antiviral medications Tamiflu
and Relenza.
a meeting planned for November 16, the FDA plans to examine safety concerns
raised by a version of the cell-based method which is used to make other U.S.
vaccines but not the flu vaccine.
The Senate by a vote of 97-3 approved spending about $7.8 billion as part of
the budget for health, labor and education programs that totaled about $145
billion. Under the proposal, $3 billion would be used to stockpile antiviral
drugs to treat the avian flu, and $3 billion would go to acquire up to 120
million doses of an avian flu vaccine over the next two years. Other money
would go toward increased worldwide monitoring of the flu, public education
programs and surveillance of migratory birds.
government has awarded Chiron Corporation a $62.5 million contract to
manufacture millions of doses of a vaccine against the strain of avian flu that
is presently threatening many countries in the world. Sanofi-Aventis received a
$100 million contract in September, and is expected to deliver its vaccine by
the end of this year. Chiron is expected to deliver its batch of the vaccine
early next year.
this has been done in spite of the fact that it has not been proven that there
is a vaccine effective against the avian flu, and even if the vaccine is
effective no one is sure as to what the dosage should be for the vaccine. If
you proceed from this date for these articles dated a few years ago, you will
notice that there has been an excess of the flu vaccine, rather than a
shortage. More times than not this excess had to be thrown out. In the rush to
judgment, Congress and the President think that they can throw money around and
thereby solve the vaccine problem. "It ain't going to work." Modern
technology is needed to develop modern methods to produce vaccines.
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has recused himself from government decisions
concerning medications to prevent or treat avian flu, rather than sell his
stock holdings in Gilead Sciences Inc. Gilead is the company that holds the
patent for Tamiflu. Mr. Rumsfeld was chairman of Gilead before becoming defense
secretary. For further details on the legal battle now going on between Gilead
and Roche-Holdings concerning Tamiflu please see our item dated 10/28/05.
far 8 states have reported flu outbreaks this flu season. The CDC has
determined that there is sufficient supply of the vaccine so that it can now be
administered to all that ask for it, not to only high-risk candidates.
Roche Holdings AG announced that it had temporarily halted shipments of Tamiflu
in the U.S., because it said it was trying to prevent hoarding and ensure that
adequate supplies remain available in case of emergencies. Roche said that it
found that many companies and individuals were hoarding the drug thus creating
a shortage of the drug. Roche has also suspended shipment of the drug to
Canada, where it found that hoarding was also occurring.
to Verispan, a drug research sales firm located in Yardley, Pa., the number of
prescription for Tamiflu has increased by at least ten-fold in the last few
weeks. Last week there were 67,443 prescriptions for the drug compared to the
17,172 prescriptions for the drug for the same week a year ago. Tamiflu is also
known as oseltaminvir.
clamor about Tamiflu is growing daily in connection with the battle against the
avian flu. Cases of avian flu have been confirmed most recently in Britain and
Croatia. With this growing crescendo of noise about the vaccine let us take a
look at some of the facts about the vaccine.
has been used up to now to help reduce the symptoms of the flu. For the vaccine
to work most effectively it must be administered within two days of the
onslaught of the disease. At that point most patients do not know if they have
the flu or a common cold. The FDA has not licensed Tamiflu for usage by
to now Tamiflu has not been shown to be a prophylaxis to the avian flu. If
proven to be effective as a preventative to the avian flu it must be
administered at least 6 months before the onslaught of the disease. Roche
Holdings AG is fighting with its partner Gillead Sciences Inc. of Foster City,
CA for the right to keep selling the Tamiflu. Gilead developed the vaccine in
1996 and licensed Roche to sell it that same year. The drug has failed to be a
top seller until recently in the battle against the flu.
June of 2006 Gilead threatened to revoke the license of Roche to sell Tamiflu
and said it planned to take back the rights for the medication. The companies
took the matter to binding arbitration in September, and that process can take
as long as 18 months before it is resolved.
Thailand and Taiwan have all claimed that they can produce a generic version of
Tamiflu in a matter of a few weeks. Roche has begun negotiations with 4 generic
drug manufacturers to produce Tamiflu. They are Teva Pharmaceutical Industries,
Barr Pharmaceuticals, Mylan Laboratories and Ranbxy Laboratories.
3 main manufacturers of asian flu vaccine are Sanofi-Aventis, GlaxoSmithKline
and MedImmune expect to produce and distribute about 71 million doses of the
vaccine. Chiron, the other major manufacturer of the vaccine once again has
lowered its estimate of how much of it will be available for usage in this
country this flu season. In June Chiron lowered its expectations for production
of the vaccine to between 26 million doses and 18 million doses. It did not
give an exact number for how many doses it now expects to produce, other than
to say it will be less than 18 million doses.
on past experience, if there is such an animal in connection with trying to
predict the severity of the flu season, about 80 million doses of the vaccine
will be needed for the "average" flu season. Therefore even without
the Chiron dosages, there should be just about enough of the vaccine available
to meet the needs of this coming flu season.
The U.S. government is considering spending billions of dollars in order to
stockpile the influenza drug Tamiflu, which is manufactured by Roche, the Swiss
drug company. Tamiflu is a pill that reduces the duration and severity of human
flu symptoms if taken within 48 hours of the infection. At this point it is the
only known drug that is approved and available in the fight against avian flu.
Avian flu has now been confirmed as having spread to Turkey and Rumania. It has
been confirmed that thousands of birds that have died in both those countries
succumbed to the same deadly influenza virus that has ravaged Southeast Asia.
to now the avian flu has not been shown to be able to pass directly from birds
to humans, but the fear is that the virus will mutate and become able to do so.
The H5N1 virus is the one that is responsible for the avian flu. It has
infected about 120 people so far, but they were people who were in close
contact with birds. About half of the infected people have died.
flu shots, which protect against the seasonal influenza that are taken yearly
do not protect against a mutated human bird flu virus, said Dr. David Nabarro,
the United Nation's official in charge of flu preparedness.
Indian drug company Cipla of Bombay has announced that it can make a generic
version of Tamiflu. The question of patent protection for this drug now becomes
an issue, just as it was when the U.S. government threatened to break the
patent for Cipro when the drug was needed because of the anthrax situation in
this country several years ago. To see more on this issue please see our
articles on Patents and Prescription Drugs.
rush to find sources for the flu vaccine has been exacerbated by the recent
finding by the fact that the 1918 flu epidemic that killed over 50 million
people worldwide was also a form of avian flu. There has been no proof so far
that the avian flu passes easily from human to human.
the vaccines takes about 9 months and involves the eggs of chickens. The fear
is that the avian flu could wipe out a vast amount of chickens, doses as
originally hoped for by Roche. Terrence Hurley, a spokesman for Roche, said
that 40 countries had ordered Tamiflu to fill medical stockpiles in case of a
pandemic. The U.S. is expected to order about 81 million doses of the pill, but
Roche will be unable to supply that amount to this country for several years.
flu inoculation season has begun in this country and unfortunately the FDA has
still not approved Chiron Corporation's doses for the vaccine. A spokeswoman
for CDC, Lola Russel, said that even without Chiron's supply of 18 million to
26 million doses, there are 68 million does being provided by the two other
manufacturers, Sanofi-Pasteur and GlaxoSmithKline.
Europe's largest drug company announced that it planned to triple its North
American flu vaccine manufacturing capacity in the next three years. Glaxo has
only one plant producing the flu vaccine presently, and it is located in
Dresden Germany. If Glaxo's merger with ID Biomedical is approved by the
shareholders of both companies it will acquire ID's flu making plant in
Vancouver, Canada.
would like our viewers to keep in mind that the flu vaccine changes from year
to year, depending on which strain the experts feel will be the most likely
strain to hit in the coming season. Since the vaccine takes 9 months to
produce, the experts have very little margin for error in making their advance
call. The vaccine can not sit "on the shelf" for any length of time.
The government has had to order the disposal of much of the supply of the
vaccine in prior years when there was not enough demand for it. Are we rushing
to judgment once again, as the fear factor overwhelms our knowledge, and with
that rush incurring a large unnecessary expenditure?
The results of two studies that were conducted on the effectiveness of the flu
vaccine concluded that the vaccine is far less effective than previously
thought. One of the studies analyzed the data form patient studies on the flu
vaccine performed worldwide in the last 37 years. It determined that vaccines
showed at best a "modest" ability to prevent influenza or it
complications in elderly people. The results of the studies were published in
the London based medical publication, The Lancet.
is a wild overestimation of the impact of these vaccines in the
community", said Tom Jefferson, a researcher in Rome with the Cochrane
Vaccine Fields project. Because of overuseage viruses are becoming resistant to
the vaccines.
people over 65, the vaccines "are apparently ineffective" in the
prevention of influenza, pneumonia and hospital admissions, although they did
reduce deaths from pneumonia a bit was the conclusion of one of the studies.
the second paper researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention in Atlanta found that influenza viruses, especially those from the
bird flu strain had developed high rates of resistance to the only class of
cheap antiviral drugs available.
best preventative for the spreading of the flu virus is to wash your hands.
Medimmune Inc. has filed an application with the FDA for approval to market a
new version of its FluMist vaccine. Unlike the present version of the vaccine
that must be frozen, the new version needs only to be refrigerated until just
before it is used. Both versions are intended only for people in the 5 to 49
year age categories.
company also hopes to receive approval to use the new version in children as
young as six months. If approved the vaccine could be available for usage in the
2007 flu season. The company also announced that it had priced its FluMist
vaccine inhalant at $19.95 per dose. It also announced that it had expanded its
manufacturing capacity at both its British and Pennsylvania plants so that it
could produce as many as 35 million doses of the vaccine shortly.
Chiron Corp. announced that the FDA had completed a nine-day inspection of its
flu vaccine plant in Liverpool, England. This was the plant that had been shut
down by English authorities, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory
Agency (MHRA) last year, that helped to precipitate the flu vaccine shortage.
MHRA had conditionally lifted its manufacturing license suspension for the
plant in March. The FDA onsite inspection of the plant began July 11th
and took nine days to complete. The company stated that the FDA found the
responses and proposed actions taken by Chiron "generally
acceptable," but that it would continue to monitor the situation. The MHRA
will continue to monitor the plant on a weekly basis.
company expects to begin shipping between 18 to 26 million doses of the vaccine
to the U.S. by October to meet demands for the 2005/2006-flu season. This means
there should be a total of over 100 million doses of the vaccine plus FluMist
available for the coming season. Thus unlike last year's flu season where there
were shortages of the vaccine, there should be more than enough of the vaccine
available to meet all demands.
Novartis, the Swiss pharmaceutical company, which already owns 41% of Chiron
(Emeryville California), announced that it had offered to pay $4.5 billion for
the portion of the company that it does not already own. Chiron is the second
largest flu vaccine manufacturing company that had its Liverpool manufacturing
facility shut down last year by British health officials because of unsafe
production conditions at the plant. Sanofi Pasteur, a joint venture of Sanofi
Aventis of France and Merck is the largest flu vaccine supplier to the U.S.
FDA approved GlaxoSmithKline's flu vaccine, Fluarix, for sale in the U.S. last
week. At the same time the company announced it would buy a Marieta, Pa., vaccine
production and research operation for an undisclosed sum from Wyeth as it seeks
to expand its capabilities to produce the flu vaccine.
recently announced a deal which will make it the largest generic company in the
The FDA has sent MedImmune a warning letter concerning promotional fliers put
out by the company about its FluMist vaccine. The letter, dated June 21, 2005
said the consumer-directed flier was "misleading because it fails to
reveal material facts regarding the risks associated with the use of
letter went on to state that "By failing to include sufficient information
on risks and adequate directions for use, you have encouraged the potentially
unsafe use of FluMist". Missing from the promotional material were the
"fact that it shouldn't be used by pregnant women, patients with chronic
underlying medical conditions like asthma, people with egg allergies and people
who are on aspirin therapy." Although the flier said that healthy adults
between the ages of 19-49 could use it when in fact the correct statement
should have been it is approved for healthy adults between the ages of 18-49.
Biomedical Corp. said its flu vaccine has been granted "fast track"
status by the FDA as part of the effort to avoid a flu-shortage this coming
season. Michele Roy, a company spokeswoman, said the company is expecting
approval from the FDA in the first half of next year, and could then supply 20
million to 25 million doses for the 2006-2007 season. The company is also
working on an inhaled version of its flu vaccine which could reach the market
as early as 2009.
Chiron Corporation said that it would be able to provide only between 18
million to 26 million doses of the flu vaccine for the coming flu season
instead of the 25 million to 30 million doses that it predicted it would have
available earlier this year. It was the shutdown of the Chiron plant in
Liverpool, England that led to the shortages of the vaccine last flu season.
executives said that the problem was caused by the fact that it is taking longer
to train more than 100 new workers and to put into effect dozens of new
operating procedures at the Liverpool plant. Federal officials and vaccine
industry executives said that there would be enough of the vaccine available
this coming flu season to avert another severe vaccine shortage this coming
Sanofi-Pasteur, the flu vaccine-making unit of Paris based Sanofi-Aventis SA
will charge $9.95 a dose up 17% from last year's price of $8.50 a dose. The
company plans to produce 50 million shots and can make an additional 10 million
doses later in the flu season if needed. Buyers have already snapped up the
full amount of the expected production.
Corp. said it plans to deliver 25 million to 30 million doses of its flu
vaccine in this country if all goes well with its resumption of production from
its plant in Liverpool. The closure of that plant last year was the direct
cause of the flu shortage that we experienced here in the U.S. last flu season.
All of its expected flu vaccine production is already been spoken for by the
flu-vaccine distributors.
Inc. plans to increase its nasal spray FluMist by a modest amount over last
year's production of 3 million doses. Britain's GlaxoSmithKline PLC will be a
new entrant to the flu vaccine supply production in this country this coming
flu season when it plans to have about 8 million to 10 million doses available
in the U.S.
Chiron, the U.S. flu-supply is expected to be no more than 73 million doses.
Last year 3.9 million flu shot doses were thrown out, while 12million doses
went unused in the 2002-2003 flu season. It is estimated that there are about
185 million Americans in the "high risk" group for which the shot is
hghly recommended.
federal government has doubled it annual budget for modernizing flu-shot
production to nearly $100 million, and another $120 million is proposed in the
budget for 2006. The CDC is spending $30 million for an emergency stockpile of
investigational vaccine should regular supplies run short.
inspectors are not expected to visit Chiron's Liverpool facility until sometime
in June, which is normally the height of the flu-vaccine production season. A
"normal" flu season sees about 80 million doses of the vaccine being
Chiron Corp. announced that it expected to produce about 25 million to 30
million doses of its flu vaccine for the coming season if the FDA gives it
approval to make the vaccine after inspecting its plant in Liverpool, England.
That was the plant that was shut down by British health authorities last
October, that resulted in the flu shortage that ensued in this country.
in England gave approval to resume operations at the plant in March, but the
approval is subject to the results of further inspections by the British
authorities in the coming weeks. Last year there were about 61 million doses of
the vaccine that were produced as opposed to the normal amount that is about 80
million doses.
the British company, is applying to enter the American market this year with
about 7 million to 10 million doses for this coming flu season..
Jeanne Santoli, an immunization expert at the CDC, said flu shots for the
groups most at risk from influenza nearly matched the level of the previous flu
season, despite the early shortage of the vaccine. Some 16 to 17 million
Americans voluntarily gave up their flu shot this past winter to help alleviate
the shortage.
vaccination rate for "priority adults"-those over 65, the sick and
health-care workers with direct patient contact-was over 43% for the 2004-05
flu season compared with the 48% rate for the prior flu season.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the incidence of
influenza steadily increased in January and February, and has not clearly
peaked yet. New York City, Washington and 33 states have reported widespread
outbreaks of the disease. About one half of the flu strains that have been
isolated so far are of the California strain, which has emerged since the
beginning of the season. The California strain of the flu is a variant of the
strain that was expected, so that this season's flu shot may not fully protect
against it.
British Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency granted Chiron
Corp. permission to resume the production of its flu vaccine from its plant in
Liverpool. This is the plant that had been shut down in 2004 because of safety
issues in connection with the production of its flu vaccine that resulted in
shortages of the vaccine in this country.
though the company can begin production of the vaccine again, it still needs
approval from the FDA in this country before it can begin to sell it here. Dr.
Jesse L. Goodman, the director of the FDA's branch in charge of vaccines
stated, " They do still have a number of things to do to convince the FDA,
and make us comfortable that the vaccine they produce will be as safe and
effective as we expect."
which sells a flu vaccine overseas that was used by us to help alleviate our
shortage this past winter, has said it hopes to enter the American market this
year, and could supply between 10 to 15 million doses of the vaccine. The
company is presently running into a safety issue in connection with its
production of its drug PaxilCR, the controlled release of its Paxil drug which
came off patent recently.
health officials erred in emphasizing the flu vaccination of the elderly, when
in fact the emphasis should be on the young, since they are the greatest
spreaders of the disease? The results of a study that was led by researchers
from the National Institute of Health suggests that giving the flu shots to the
elderly has not saved lives. Lone Simonsen, a senior epidemiologist at the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, MD led the
study group that examined the data over the last 3 decades.
medical experts agree that schoolchildren are the biggest spreaders of the
disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
about 59% of older Americans got flu shots in 2004, down from 65% in 2003. In
examining the data, the team of researchers could not find any appreciable
decrease in the death rate for the elderly as a result of taking the flu
CDC announced that, in spite of this study, it has no plans to change its
advice on who should get the flu shots in the future. A single study should not
cause a change in policy, said CDC spokesman Glen Nowak.
New York State Department of Health announced that it was lifting all
restrictions in regards to making the flu shot available to any resident of the
state who wants to get the shot. The department is presently distributing an
extra 70,000 doses that it recently received. There are at least seventeen
other states that have eliminated all restrictions in regard to administering
the flu shots. The states that have lifted all restrictions are, Alaska, Cal.,
Col., Kan., Mass., Mich., Minn., Neb., New Mexico, N.Y., NC, Okla., Ore., SD,
Utah, Wis., and Wyo.
all probability most of the other states that have not lifted the restrictions
on the flu vaccine will do so shortly. It is even beginning to look like there
will be many extra doses of the vaccine available, so that the extra supply
will have to be thrown away. The flu season lasts through at least March, but
many individuals who have not gotten the shot, will not want to have one by the
end of the flu season.
An advisory panel to the CDC has recommended that there is now sufficient flu
shots available so that all people 50 years and older, and also people who come
in close contact with those at high risk for the flu receive the shot. The
panel, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices made its recommendation
to the CDC, and the recommendation is usually followed by the agency.
expanded recommendation will apply only to areas where there is an excess supply
of the vaccine. Only about half of the group that is at high risk has gone to
get the flu so far this year. An estimated 50 million people are aged 50 to 64,
according to the centers, with about 13.5 million of this group estimated to
have chronic illnesses.
flu vaccine is good for one flu season only, since the strain changes from year
to year. Any excess must be disposed of at the end of the season, so it is next
to impossible to figure how many doses will be needed year to year. That is one
of the reasons that there are so few companies that make vaccines in this
country. The other reason for the hesitancy for companies to go into the
vaccination business is because of the large risk of being sued for any
problems that may arise as a result of having gotten the shot. Insurance
companies charge the vaccine manufacturers substantial premiums for risk
coverage so it is not financially worth the risk.
those who recommend that the federal government go into the business of buying
a set amount of the vaccine, they must look at the fact that the manufacturers
have had to throw out the excess batches for the last several years. Last year
for example was one in which the flu season started very early and hit a lot of
people. By the end of the year, however, it turned into a normal "flu
season" year.
Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson is expected to announce
tomorrow that his agency will allow some 5 million doses of foreign flu
vaccinations into the U.S. from GlaxoSmithKline and ID Biomedical. This
additional amount of vaccination should be available to be used by high-risk
individuals in various states shortly thereafter. The FDA has inspected the
plants that produced the vaccine and is attesting to the safety of the product.
an odd twist of fate Illinois Governor Rod R. Blagojevich, who has been a prime
proponent in favor of the importation of prescription drugs from overseas, is
being instrumental in helping alleviate the flu vaccine shortage. To see more
about Governor Blagojevich on the issue of importation of drugs from overseas
please see our article on this topic at "Crossing the Border to Obtain Cheaper Prescription
Drugs-Part IV"
York City obtained 200,000 doses of the flu vaccine with the help of
connections that the state of Illinois had made with overseas suppliers through
the discount network site that the state operates using overseas distributors.
Illinois also has helped the state of New Mexico obtain 150,000 doses of the
flu vaccine through these same sources.
vaccine that New York City is buying from Aventis Pasteur in France and
GlaxoSmithKline in Germany costs about $10 a dose. The FDA must first inspect
the vaccine for safety, as well as the plants that are producing it before it
can be sold in this country. The city will also be obtaining 375,000 doses of
the flu vaccine from the CDC.
vaccine will be made available only to high-risk individuals, which means
adults 65 and over, children ages 6 months to 23 months and the chronically
ill. The city estimates that there are 1.1 million adult New Yorkers who are at
high risk of getting the flu. It is unknown at this time how many of the high
risks adults have already received their flu shots. There have been 4 deaths
reported so far in the city at a nursing home in Queens as a result of the flu.
of November 1, 28 states have reported flu outbreaks. At this time last year
the outbreak had been reported in many more states, but exact comparisons are
meaningless from year to year. The U.S. supply of flu vaccine is estimated to
be at about the 60 million-dose mark. Aventis will make available an additional
2.6 million doses in January and Medimmune said that it would have an
additional 1 million of its nasal spray also available shortly. Five million
more doses will also be available shortly from plants in Germany and Canada.
year about 83 million doses of the vaccine were used in the U.S. With at least
68.6 million doses available by January we should be able to get bye if there
is not a serious flu epidemic outbreak. It has been estimated that over 1
million doses were used by Americans either overseas, or by obtaining the shot
by "other means".
CDC is close to coming to an agreement with some European countries for the
purchase of several million doses of flu vaccine that will be used for flu
shots to be given to high-risk individuals, nursing home residents and children
under 2. The Governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich has written a letter to the
FDA asking for permission to allow the state to import 30,000 doses of the
vaccine from Europe to be administered to high-risk individuals in the state.
CDC also announced that for the first time in its history it has created a
permanent panel of ethicists on the question of vaccine distribution. The
purpose of the panel is not only to deal with the present question in regards
to the distribution of the flu vaccine, but also to deal with how the agency
should deal with any future epidemics.
health officials are warning the nation's elderly to get their pneumococcal
vaccinations, but at the same time advising us that the pneumonia vaccine is in
short supply. Merck & Co. the nation's only manufacturer of the vaccine, called
Pneumovax 23 said that they intended to triple production immediately to fill
an expected surge in orders.
is the sole provider of vaccines against measles, mumps and rubella, chicken
pox and pneumococcal pneumonia in this country. The most common complication
from the flu is pneumococcal infections getting into the lungs after the flu
weakens immune defense. Most deaths from the flu are caused by pneumonia, which
is the 7th leading cause of death in this country.
23 is only partly protective since it reduces the risk of contracting the
disease by 60% to 70%. The vaccine's effectiveness fades with time, so that
health officials recommend that it be retaken every 5 years. The vaccine sells
for about $20 a dose.
to the Wall Street Journal, which had obtained a draft of a news release from
Chiron Corp. dated September 27, 2004, the company was preparing to tell
investors and health officials that its "internal quality assurance
confirmatory testing" of its Fluvirin vaccine "failed" to provide
results necessary to permit release of the vaccine to the market. Again
according to the draft, Chiron could not pinpoint the source of the
contamination, "prompting the company to withhold its release of
Fluvirin." On September 28th the company issued a news release
declaring its intention to ship the vaccine on time. On October 5th
U.K. health officials suspended the manufacturing license of their plant in
New York City Health Department is administering flu shots throughout the city
during the work week. A limited amount of shots are being administered daily to
high risk individuals, so check for the locale nearest you where shots are
being given. The Web address to see is: https://a816-health12ssl.nyc.gov/dohroot/prjflp/
(10/20/04)-Please keep in mind that even though you have gotten a flu shot, it
does not guarantee you of the fact that you can't catch the flu. Remember that
health officials and vaccine manufacturers have to prepare the vaccine many
months before the flu season begins in October so they have to make educated
guesses as to which strain of the virus is the one that most likely will spread
its ugly face throughout the world. Sometimes the guess can be wrong, or even
if it is the right strain vaccine that you received, it doesn't mean that you
can't still get the virus.
you do get sick with the flu there are several antiviral drugs that are
available with a doctor's prescription that can be used to cut the duration and
extent of the disease by a day or two. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) is building a stockpile of antiviral drugs in case a shortage
develops because of the high number of flu cases for the rest of the 2004-05
flu season. The CDC is also drawing up a plan to prioritize the antiviral drugs
to high-risk individuals in case supplies run low. The CDC is also working with
the manufacturers of the antiviral drugs to increase production this year, just
in case a problem should develop.
drugs are easier to manufacture than are the flu vaccines as long as the raw
materials to make the drugs are available. The most popular antiviral drugs
that are on the market, but can be bought only by prescription are:
With the federal government desperately seeking extra dosages of the flu
vaccine from overseas sources, and long lines forming at sites that are administering
the flu shots, it is time for us to stand back, and look at some of the basics
in connection with the disease. For more detailed facts in connection with the
disease you may want to look at the site for the disease from the Centers for
Disease Control (CDC) at www.cdc.gov/flu .
of the most important facts to know about the disease is that it is contagious.
As its name implies it is a respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus.
The degree of occurrence varies greatly in regards to the percentage of the
population that it affects. Please keep in mind, that in spite of all the
publicity early last year that a flu epidemic was about to occur, it never did
materialize in most states.
symptoms of the flu include:
of us can practice good health habits to prevent the onslaught of the disease.
Most of the time the germ is picked up in your hands. Therefore it is important
to wash your hands frequently throughout the day. Avoid touching your eyes,
nose or mouth since the germs will spread from your hands to your respiratory
system by entering your body through one or several of these orifices. Cover
your mouth and nose whenever you sneeze or cough. Try avoiding as much as
possible close contact with a person who has the disease.
Corp. announced that it had received a subpoena from the U.S. attorney's office
for the Southern District of New York, in connection with its flu vaccine,
Fluvirin. A grand-jury subpoena from the U.S. attorney's office typically
implies a criminal investigation. In June 2003 FDA officials documented what
they called "deviations" from good manufacturing standards at the
Chiron plant in Liverpool. John Taylor, the FDA's associate commissioner for
regulatory affairs, said "systemic quality-control issues" led
inspectors to conclude that Chiron wouldn't necessarily be able to discover
problems, identify the root cause and take steps to prevent similar issues from
arising again.
speeches to investors and in testimony to a Senate committee on September 28,
2004, Howard H.Plen, Chiron's chief executive said that the company had
detected bacterial contamination in a small number of lots in its flu vaccine
in August, but that it was not a major problem. He further stated that the
company was on track to begin shipping 46 million to 48 million doses of the
vaccine in October. On October 5th, the company said that it was
completely surprised when the British health authorities suspended its manufacturing
license for 3 months because of quality control problems at its Liverpool
Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson said that he is dispatching
a team of FDA scientists to Chiron Corp.'s plant in Liverpool England to check
into why the British regulatory authorities had suspended the license of the
company for three months. Chiron is one of the two largest suppliers of the flu
vaccine to the U.S. Chiron was expected to supply this country with about half
our flu vaccine supply for this fall and winter flu season. None of the flu
vaccine supply produced by Chiron at this plant will be available to be used in
this country.
Thompson said that U.S. authorities were completely surprised by this
development. The Chiron plant in Liverpool had produced about 6 to 8 million
vaccine doses at this plant. Chiron had planned to ship between 46 to 48
million doses of the vaccine out of the total of 100 doses that was expected to
be used this coming flu season in the U.S.
other major supplier to the U.S. is Aventis, a unit of Sanofi-Aventis of
France, which is expected to supply between 54 to 56 million doses of the
vaccine. Medimmune Inc. is expected to supply between 1 to 2 million doses of
its FluMist nasal spray, but keep in mind that this spray is more expensive
than is the flu inoculation shot.
adults have been requested to delay getting their shots until the higher risk
individuals have received their shots. The health authorities have also
requested that corporations that normally get a shipment of the vaccine for
their employees defer receiving their shipments until later in the year. We at therubins
would like to remind our viewers that one of the best precautions that you can
take to avoid getting any disease is to wash your hands a little more
frequently than you would do normally.
the first time federal officials are officially recommending a flu shot for
children from 6 months to 23 months old, after merely encouraging them in
previous years. Experts expect that this will mean about 13 million infants and
toddlers will be added to the list of those most exposed to the disease.
100 million doses of the shot were originally expected to be available this
year as opposed to the 83 million that were available last year. Many of you
still remember the early shortages of the shot because of the early outbreak of
the flu in many communities. The federal government estimates that there are
about 185 million Americans who are considered at high risk at coming down with
the flu.
the end of the flu season in 2003 at least 152 children under the age of 18 had
died of influenza related causes. There will be about 19,000 locations set up
throughout the U.S. where you can get the shot at a site other than your own
physicians' office. To find a site near you where you can get the shot go to www.findaflushot.com. Users can type in
their ZIP code to find the place closest to them to get the shot.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that a study of more than
1,300 people in Colorado found that the flu vaccine used last year was effective
more than half of the time. This was true even though the shot wasn't an exact
match for that particular strain of the disease. The shot is normally effective
90% of the time.
vaccine worked about 52% of the time for healthy adults, and 38% of the time
for those with previous medical conditions. The CDC reported that the flu shot
"still provided substantial health benefit."
CDC announced that the government would stockpile about 4 million doses of flu
shots this year that will be set aside for children under 18 years of age. Dr.
Stephen Cochi, acting director of the national immunization program said that
the government expects to spend about $80 million over the next two years to
pay for the stockpile.
stockpile will be set aside for children under 18, but some adults may be
allowed to use that supply in a crisis, if approved by Congress, according to
Lance Rodewald, director of the immunization services for the CDC. This past
flu season turned out to be a typical one even though it got off to a fast
start. In this past flu season 143 children died of the flu. In an average flu
year about 20% of the population will be affected by the flu and about 114,000
will be hospitalized by the disease.
36% of health workers receive influenza vaccinations each year according to the
National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. The foundation urged an advisory
panel for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to take stronger
action to increase compliance with the long standing federal recommendation
that such workers be immunized both for their own and their patients
panel, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, has recommended flu
vaccinations for health care workers since 1986. The Department of Health and
Human Services appoints the 15-member panel to advise the CDC on immunization
matters. How can the CDC be urging people to get the flu shots when members of
the health community are not getting such shots themselves?
the results for Medimmune's FluMist vaccine continue to show that it is not
being used by the public to any great extent. According to the latest figures
about 80% of the vaccine went unused, even when there was the great hullabaloo
about the flu vaccine shortage in the winter of 2003. According to an official
of Medimmune the remaining supply of the vaccine will have to be destroyed.
companies made about 87 million doses of the vaccine for use in the U.S. during
the 2003-2004 flu season, which was about 8 million fewer than were made for
the 2002-2003 flu season. In the 2002-2003 season about 12 million dosages of
the supply of the vaccine had to be destroyed because of nonuse, while the
basically the entire supply was used in the 2003-2004 season.
said that intends to ask the FDA to expand approval for FluMist to include
children younger that 5years of age, and adults ages 50 to 64 for the next flu
season. At least 135 children in 39 states have died from influenza so far
during this flu season, though the deaths could not be solely attributable to
the flu alone.
the World Health Organization and the FDA have recommended changes to two of
the three stains of virus to be used in next season's influenza vaccine in the
Northern Hemisphere. The choice has to be made at this time of the year,
because it takes several months to adapt the virus growth in the eggs and to
buy the tens of millions of eggs needed to produce a supply for the consumers
of the vaccine.
next season the Fujian strain will replace the strain known as A/Moscow. The
B/Shanghai strain will replace the B/Hong Kong strain, while the A/New Caledonia
strain will stay the same. Although February can still be a very risky month
for those who will suffer from the flu, the worst seems to be behind us now. As
of the last report there are no states that are experiencing widespread
outbreaks of the flu.
small study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has
found that this season's influenza vaccine failed to protect against the Fujian
strain that has caused most cases. The study involved a questionnaire sent to
3,100 health workers at Children's Hospital in Denver asking whether they had
been vaccinated, when and whether they developed an illness compatible with
influenza. The study involved the period of time from October through late
November when Colorado experienced the height of its outbreak of the disease.
only 61% of the health workers responded experts said the study is of limited
use. Many larger studies are now first being evaluated and we will get these
results shortly. According to the Colorado study however only between zero to
14% of those who got the shot ended up being protected from getting the disease
up to the end of 2003.
to Dr. Stephen M. Ostroff, an official with the CDC the influenza season appears
to have reached its peak in this country. It is however too early to tell
whether the number of flu cases will decline sharply or stay at a plateau for
another few weeks. Dr. Ostroff also said it was still too early to know whether
a second wave would occur later in the winter.
the flu is notoriously unpredictable. In past years the ebb and flow of the
effected areas has made predicting the path of the disease impossible. The
duration of the peak period could be crucial in determining the severity of the
outbreak. Past experience has shown that February is another month of high
incidence for the disease.
one of the two major manufacturers of the vaccine announced that it would team
with Crucell, a Dutch biotechnology company to produce flu vaccine in cultures
of human cells, rather than in hen's eggs. This new vaccine will not even begin
to be tested in people until 2005 and will not be approved for use for several
years thereafter.
the CDC struggles to find some flu vaccine throughout the world we have to look
at how concerned we should be in connection with this outbreak. Since the
strain of the flu that is causing this current outbreak is not a new one, you
should be vigilant but not overly concerned about it. Since this strain is
similar to the one that took place in the 1990s it is not a pandemic flu
of us have built up some immunity to the strain since we were around for the
prior outbreak. Medical professionals say that for a child under 8 years of
age, a booster shot is necessary within 30 days of the first shot for the
vaccine to be effective. Incidentally the same is true for children who receive
the FluMist protection. There is enough of the vaccine being made available so
those children under 8 will receive a priority in getting whatever vaccine is
measures should be taken whether or not you receive the shot. Wash hands often,
and avoid touching your eyes, nose or putting your hand in your mouth. These
orifices are the gateways for the virus to enter into your body. There are four
antiviral medications on the market that can shorten the course of the disease
by a few days if you start taking them immediately upon onset of the illness.
Their brand names are Tamiflu, Symmetrel, Flumadine and Relenza.
Department of Health and Human Services said that it has bought an additional
375,000 doses of the flu vaccine from Chiron Corp. This vaccine is in bulk
form, and must be separated into individual doses before it can be distributed
to state and local health departments. It seems as if the two states that were
the first to reach epidemic conditions with the flu, seem to have seen the
number of reported cases of the disease fall off in the last few weeks. Those
states are Colorado and Texas.
administration said that it plans to help modernize vaccine manufacturing to
avoid future shortages and prepare for a possible pandemic outbreak in the
coming years. The administration has asked Congress to approve $50 million in
the pending budget that Congress will consider in January to help modernize and
improve the facilities that make vaccines in this country. Funds would be spent
to encourage the industry to diversify into newer and faster technologies.
International Inc.of Deerfield Ill., said that it expects to launch a new flu vaccine
in Europe in 2005 that is produced using vero-cell technology instead to using
egg cells to produce the vaccine as is the present methodology. Crucell NV , a
Dutch company, has also developed its own technology for using a cell line to
produce the flu vaccine.
CDC was too premature when it announced that for the second year in a row there
would be enough flu vaccination available for everyone who wants it. The two
biggest producers of injectible flu vaccine, Aventis SA and Chiron Corp.
reported that they no longer have any supply of flu vaccine available in this
country. We have to be alert to the fact that when we last had an outbreak of
the disease in 2000, some disreputable wholesalers took advantage of the
situation by inflating their price for the vaccine.
manufacturers have produced over 83 million vaccines this year, but unlike last
year when over 10 million of the vaccines went unused, and had to be thrown
away, it looks like there will be shortages of the vaccine this year. Because
flu strains vary from year to year, a new vaccine must be formulated every year.
It takes several months to produce the vaccine for any given year, so that is
why it can not be produced on demand.
cases are surging so that there were only 5 states that were able to say it had
not reached epidemic stages in their area. What the officials hope to do is to
find out what areas have shortages of the vaccine and which have more than a
sufficient supply to meet their pending needs. Dr. Keiji Fukuda, chief of the
influenza epidemiology branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
stated: " This is looking like a year when more vaccine is being used by
more people in the U.S. than any other year."
flu season usually peaks in January, but it is off to a much earlier start in
both Europe and the U.S. so far this year. Colorado has seen the outbreak of
the disease hit over 6,300 individuals so far this year, with at least 6
children having died from the disease. The 6,300 reported cases of the disease
already exceed the 6,239 cases that were reported in the state for the two
previous years. Of the 6 children who died of the disease, three had
pre-existing conditions that complicated the matter.
CDC analyzed a number of samples from labs across the country and found that
82% were Fujian A strain and 18% were the Panama A strain. The vaccine that was
prepared for this year's batch of vaccine was aimed at the Panama A strain,
which is related to the Fujian A strain so the vaccine may still be helpful in
warding off the disease. The vaccine this year protects against three other
strains, two forms of influenza A, and one of influenza B.
far New York City has been spared from the onslaught of the disease, with
reported cases of influenza running only slightly ahead of last year's numbers.
According to Health and Mental Hygiene Commissioner Thomas R. Frieden, the city
has about 500,000 cases of influenza in a "normal" year. The commissioner
stated that only 37% if residents 65 and older received the flu shot.
about the flu and the vaccine can be found at the CDC's web site: www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/flu/fluinfo.htm
The CDC has not found a shortage of the vaccine in Europe, and has stated that
it would redistribute the vaccine as needed.
vaccine that is now being given was not developed to protect against a strain
of the virus that has surfaced in this country this fall, but the CDC is
optimistic that this year's vaccine will stave off a serious outbreak of the
disease. The flu vaccine includes three strains of influenza virus, but was not
designed to protect against a new one that has appeared in a number of
countries over the last year. It is known as the Fujian A strain, a variant of
the Panama A strain this is included in the current vaccine. Both are
categorized as H3N2 strains that have been linked to higher rates of serious
illness requiring hospital admissions.
the World Health Organization committee that makes the recommendations for the
flu vaccine knew about the Fujian strain in February they were aware of the
fact that not enough of the vaccine could be prepared in time for the flu
season in the Northern Hemisphere. Since the flu season usually takes place in
the wintertime, the vaccine being prepared for the Southern Hemisphere will
contain the Fujian strain. Texas and Colorado were the first two states to have
been hit hard by the disease.
which is located in Emeryville, California recently completed its merger with
Powderjet, said it prepared about 40 million dosages of the vaccine this year.
It expects to supply about half the U.S. market this year. Aventis, which is
based in Strasbourg, France also, has experienced a sharp increase in its flu
vaccine sales this year.
flu season typically runs from November through March. On average more than
36,000 Americans die from the flu each year and more than 114,000 are
hospitalized as a direct result of it. This will be the first flu season that a
nasal vaccine, FluMist, made by Medimune Inc. and marketed jointly with Wyeth
will be available. The FDA approved it for sale in June of 2003 to healthy
individuals between the ages of 5 through 49.
companies had planned an initial product run of four to five million doses of
FluMist. FluMist dosages are being sold to doctors and pharmacies for $46 each
as compared to a cost of between $7.50 to $8.50 for an injection. Even thought
the makers has spent $25 million on an advertising campaign that was rolled out
this fall, the sales of FluMist have flopped badly. So far about 400,000 doses
have been sold, and not many more sales are expected for the nasal spray
addition to the poor sales the manufacturers are faced with the prospect of
many of the pharmacies returning the product. Unlike the injectible vaccine,
which is non-returnable, the spray mist product can be returned to the
manufacturer, and the payments are refunded. FluMist must be kept frozen till
used and it contains a live virus that is made from attenuated flu viruses. To
try to help sales Wyeth and Medimmune are now offering consumers mail-in
rebates of up to $25.
to a study, which reviewed data from about 286,000 patients over the age of 65,
the risk of being hospitalized for cardiac disease fell by 19% and for stroke
by as much as 23% for the elderly if they had taken the influenza shot during
the flu season. The study was led by researchers at the Veterans Affairs
Medical Center in Minneapolis and the University of Minnesota. The study also
showed that those over 65 who received the vaccination for flu were as much as
50% less likely to die from any cause during the same period and 32% less
likely to be hospitalized for flu or pneumonia.
researcher Kristin Nichol, chief of medicine at the Minneapolis VA center, said
the vaccinations' benefits appear to stem from the prevention of flu rather
than any direct medical or chemical impact of the vaccine itself upon heart
disease or stroke. According to a recent federal report, there are about 36,000
annual deaths now attributed to the flu-related causes.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued, for the first time, the
following recommended schedule of vaccinations for people 50 and older:
more information and locations in your area to receive your inoculations, call
the National Immunization Hotline at 1-800-232-2522 for English-speakers: 1 800
232 0233 for Spanish-speakers; and 1 800 243 7889 for TTY users
spite of the availability of the flu vaccine, researchers now estimate that
about 36,000 people a year die from the flu. Earlier estimates had put this
figure at about 20,000 Americans every year, and most of the deaths are in
people who are over 65 years of age. According to the latest figures that are
available, which covers the period from 2000 to 2001 about 65% of adults who
are on Medicare get annual flu shots and pneumococcal shots. Only 10% of adults
under 50 who are at high-risk to get pneumonia get a pneumococcal vaccine shot.
study, which was conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
also estimated that about 11,000 people a year die from the respiratory virus
RSV, with most of the deaths also occurring among the elderly. CDC Director
Julie Gerberding said, "These data indicate that the magnitude of the
problem is larger than we once thought."
flu season was relatively mild in 2001 and 2002, but cases are likely to be
increasing significantly in 2003. It is still not too late for those who are
most at risk to get these vaccinations immediately. According to one measure
detailed in the study, flu-related deaths in the U.S. nearly quadrupled, from
13,000 in the 1976-1977 season to nearly 46,000 in the 1998-1999 season.
researchers further concluded that a large part of this increase was due to the
fact that there was almost a doubling of those over 85years of age in the
latter period from those over 85 years of age in the earlier period. The
elderly are more susceptible because their immune system weakens with age.
factor was the predominance in the 1990s of an especially virulent strain,
influenza A (H3N2), one of the three major strains of the flu virus. Of the
total annual deaths over 90% of the victims were 65 years of age or older. In
2003 children under two seem to be suffering a higher than usual death rate
from infuenza.
the fall and winter of 2001 we were faced with a shortage of the flu vaccine.
The U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) requested that only
the most vulnerable individuals receive the flu shot at this time. Drug
manufacturers shipped about 50 million doses by the end of October of 2001and
another 29.1 million doses during November and December. Ideally, 80 million
doses should have been available by late October. Since 2000 the CDC has
recommended that those in the age category of over 50 receive the shot, whereas
prior to 2000 the recommendation was meant mainly for those 65 or older.
flu shot is recommended in the following cases:
though there was a flu vaccination shortage in 2000, somehow or other there is
always a way for some firms to profit from shortages. Some of the smaller drug and
vaccine-distributing firms managed to get a supply of the flu vaccine and sold
it at up to 5 times its normal price. Some hospitals confirmed that they
received offers from some small drug distributing firms which offering to sell
the vaccine at up to $150 a vial versus its normal selling price of $20 to $30
per vial. A vial contains 10 doses of the vaccine.
delay in 2000 was attributed in part to difficulty in growing two new influenza
strains in that year's vaccine. The Food and Drug Administration had ordered
two of the four manufacturers of the vaccine to correct production problems at
their plants. King Pharmaceuticals, Bristol, Tenn. had to stop making flu
vaccine because of its manufacturing problems.
flu vaccine in 2000 protected against three strains of the disease. The two new
strains are A/Panama and A/Caledonia. The third strain is B/Yamanashi, which
was in 1999's strain. Growth of the two new strains vaccines was much more
difficult than originally estimated. The peak of the flu season usually takes
place starting late November.
of the vaccine develop the immunization one or two weeks after receiving the
inoculation. Presently there are four manufacturers of the vaccine for usage in
the U.S. They are Evans Medical, an affiliate of Medeva Pharmaceuticals;
Aventis-Pastur (manufacturer of over half of this country's vaccine supply);
Parkdale Pharmaceuticals; and Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories Inc a subsidiary of
Wyeth. Wyeth-Ayerst has also encountered manufacturing problems that forced it
to scale back production until the problem was remedied.
2000 only 27 million doses of the needed 75 million doses of the flu strain
vaccine were available by the end of the month of October. By that time in 1999
nearly all of the needed flu strain vaccine had been released. The shot is most
effective if given before the height of the flu season, which normally begins
about the end of November. The Center for Disease Control estimates that flu
kills 20,000 people (new estimate is it now kills about 35,000 people a year) a
year and hospitalize another 110,000.
14 of the last 18 flu seasons the highest number of cases did not show up until
January. The problem is compounded by the fact that the manufacturers of the
vaccine have contractual obligations with many employers who locked in delivery
of the vaccine many months ago. In times of vaccine shortages the CDC requests
that the manufacturers of the vaccine voluntarily delay receipt of the vaccine
until later dates. The manufacturers often request that the employers who have
contracted for their shipments of the vaccine, substitute nursing homes,
instead of themselves, for the early shipments.
may not only help the individual, but also may prove beneficial for our
economy. Nichol et al in a study that appeared in the Archives of
Internal Medicine (1999; 159:2437-2442) looked at the health and economic
benefits associated with pneumococcal vaccinations of the elderly.
studied 1,898 individuals with chronic lung disease, aged 65 and older -67% of
these individuals having received pneumococcal vaccination- over a two year
period of time which included two influenza seasons. During that time, 174
individuals were hospitalized for pneumonia and influenza and 1,477 were
hospitalized for non-pneumonia illness and 275 patients died.
and associates state "Pneumococcal vaccination was associated with a 43%
reduction in the numbers of pneumonia- and influenza-related hospitalizations,
and with a 29% reduction in the risk of all-cause deaths. There was no
significant difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated persons with
regard to the risk of non-pneumonia-related hospitalization.
the two influenza seasons, patients who received both pneumonia and influenza
vaccines had a 72% reduction in the number of hospitalizations for pneumococcal
pneumonia and influenza and an 82% reduction in the risk of death, compared
with persons who did not receive either vaccine".The authors of this study
estimate a 2-year cumulative cost savings of $113 to $512 for each person
vaccination is a way to enhance your chances to weather the ravages of a winter
season at the least possible risk. Consult your physician as to whether you are
at risk for the diseases of influenza and pneumonia and see if you can benefit
from vaccination. The research evidence would support such a step.
that advancing age brings with it an increased vulnerability to infectious
agents. Infection is the fifth most common cause of death in the elderly
population, with viral and bacterial pneumonia leading the list.
reference for the above material is: Nichol KL, Baken L, Wuorenma J, Nelson A.
The health and economic benefits associated with pneumococcal vaccination of
elderly persons with chronic lung disease. Arch Inter Med 1999;
a study led by Dr. Peter T. Ender, of the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Medical Center near Dayton, Ohio and a team of military doctors, and published
in Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practices (2001:10:81-85), it was
determined that multivitamins do not enhance the effectiveness of the flu
object of the study was to look at the role of multivitamins in interaction
with the flu vaccination. Findings indicate that subjects that took
multivitamins for 100 days before getting their flu vaccination had a poorer
immune response 1-month after vaccination when compared with those who took
possible reason for the poor response in multivitamin users, Dr. Ender said, is
that the supplement used in this study included vitamins A, B, C, D, E, as well
as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folate and pantothenic acid, but no trace
elements such as zinc. Other recent studies have suggested that multivitamins
containing those trace elements do have beneficial effects on the body's immune
Ender concludes that: "Physicians and patients should be cautious with
multivitamin use. Depending on the combination, they may have harmful rather
than beneficial effects."
study should not be viewed as a definitive statement on the role of vitamins in
retarding the flu vaccine. It would have to be repeated with greater control of
the content of the vitamins taken and a longer period of time after the flu
vaccination. There may also be a genetic and/or personality difference in those
individual who take vitamins as opposed to those who do not take vitamins that
can have potentiating or debilitating effects on the flu vaccination.
FDA has approved the flu drug Tamiflu, made by Roche Holding Ltd. for
prevention of the flu. The recommended dose for prevention is one pill a day
for 7 days, if a family member has come down with the flu. For prevention in a
nursing-home setting, the drug is taken for up to 42 days.
drug had been previously approved by the FDA for treating the flu. Both the FDA
and Roche have stressed that the drug is not a replacement for the flu vaccine.
The average wholesale price for its 10-pack is $49. In clinical trials
conducted among nursing-home residents who took the recommended dose, less than
one-half of 1% came down with the flu. Among residents who took a placebo, or
sugar pill, 4.4% came down with the flu.
have all heard of the importance of getting a flu shot, but we would like to remind
you that getting your pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) shot is just as
important to anyone in the over 65 age grouping. Federal officials now
recommend that anyone 50 years and above get the pneumonia shot.
vaccination will protect you against 23 types of pneumococcal bacteria, and it
has been available for over 17 years. Bacterial pneumonia caused over 40,000
deaths in 1999, of which about 90 % fell into the over 65 age catagory. One of
the deadliest types of pneumonia results from a staph bacterial infection in
the lungs that unfortunately infect the blood stream also.
disease is a leading cause of illness in young children and is one of the
leading causes of death amongst the elderly. As a matter of fact pneumococcal
disease kills more people in the U.S. each year than all other
vaccine-preventable diseases combined. A certain type of bacterium called
Streptococcus pneumoniae causes the disease.
these bacteria invade the lungs, they cause the most common kind of bacterial
pneumonia. The bacteria can also invade the bloodstream-to cause bacteremia-or
the brain-to cause meningitis. About 1 in 20 who get the disease will die from
it. About 2 in 10 who get bacteremia, and 3 people out of 10 who get
meningitis, will die from it.
Pneumococcal diseases account for over 40,000 deaths in the United States, and
sadly enough, about one half of these deaths might not have occurred if the
individual had been vaccinated. This type of disease causes an estimated
500,000 cases of pneumonia, 50,000 cases of bacteremia, and 3,000 cases of
meningitis each year. The disease can be treated with several different
antibiotics, including penicillin and broad-spectrum cephalosporins.
the bacterium S. pneumoniae, which causes pneumococcal disease, is developing
resistance to the antibiotics usually used to manage the infection. High levels
of penicillin resistance and multi-drug resistance often complicate the
management of pneumococcal infections. This just further underscores the
importance of getting your pneumococcal vaccination. It has been shown that the
vaccine protects against up to 90% of the pneumococcal bacteria types that
cause the disease. Furthermore, the vaccine can be administered to appropriate high-risk
individuals at any time during the year. Please remember that the following
preventive measures are partially or fully paid for by Medicare:
estimated 1 million Americans suffer a painful shingles attack each year.
According to the New England Journal of Medicine those in the 60-69-age
category have a 3 times higher incidence of shingles than those in the
40-49-age category. One reason that may explain this increase is the
progressive weakening of the immune system as we age.
is some scientific evidence that a vaccine to prevent chicken pox may also
prevent the occurrence of shingles later in life. Dr. Abbas Vafai, chief of
biologics at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta believes
he has developed such a vaccine. The varicella-zoster virus usually lingers
behind after the signs of chicken pox disappear. It lies concealed hiding in
the sensory nerve cells near the spinal cord. It stays dormant there for many
years until rearing its ugly head in the form of shingles to torment the aging sufferer.
It painfully affects approximately 1 million people each year since it pinches
the nerve cells.
are no drugs currently available to prevent the disease from occurring or
recurring. Dr.Vafai's vacine does not use a live virus. It utilizes a piece of
glycoprotein to attach to the surface of the varicella-zoster virus. His patent
# 5,824,319 was assigned to Research Corporation Technologies. Experts now
suggest taking an antiviral agent such as Famvir or Valtrex within 3 days of
the first signs of a rash or unusual skin sensitivity. In addition to nerve
injections of anesthetics, pain centers are using radio wave induced heating as
well as freezing to kill the nerves causing the pain.
an article written by Abigail Zuger in the New York Times entitled" Making
Inroads in Fight Against Shingles Pain" dated February 15, 2000 the author
discusses the possible relationship between shingles prevention and chickenpox
vaccination. Researchers have undertaken a study wherein a weakened strain of
the chickenpox vaccine is administered to older adults who had been inoculated
with the vaccine when they were young children.
indications show that in addition to boosting the immunity against chickenpox,
the inoculation also has the added benefit of reducing the severity of the
shingles attack. The researchers are presently looking for 37,200 volunteers to
join in the study. If you are over 60 and want to volunteer for the study being
headed by Dr. Michael Simberkoff, chief of staff for the VA medical system in
the New York area.
Shingles Prevention Study is a VA Cooperative Study carried out with the
collaboration of the NIH and Merck & Co. It is a double blind, placebo
controlled trial that is enrolling 37,200 adults age 60 and over. Participants
will be followed by telephone for 4 years and any that develop shingles will be
evaluated and offered state of the art treatment without charge. If the vaccine
is proven effective, people who received the placebo will be offered the vaccine
at the end of the study, before it becomes available to the general public. One
of the editors of therubins is presently enrolled in this study group.
this study-the study that we mention above has been completed and the subjects
who took part in it are being debriefed at this time. We will keep you apprised
of the results as soon as we hear what they are.
more info please call 1-888-845-4540 in New York. Outside NY the Nationwide
Toll-Free Number is 1-877-841-6251.
our Article on Respiratory Infections
Please see our article Vaccinations and the
Elderly –Part II
Allan Rubin and Harold Rubin, MS, ABD, CRC, Guest Lecturer
updated November 10, 2017
e-mail: hrubin12@nyc.rr.com or allanrubin4@gmail.com
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